What is a values conflict?
When two or more values contradict one another or cause internal distress due to the inability to live them out at the same time.
Ex: you value free time and friendship so you might agree to plans with friends even though you are burnt out and need alone time to recharge.
Fill in the blank:
_____ loses its power by being spoken about.
____ arousal is when you are dissociating, checking out, feeling depressed, fatigue, numb, disconnected, and unfocused
Gertrude is torn between whether she should go hang out with friends or stay home and have game night with her family. She is feeling pretty anxious about her decision because either way, she feels like she is letting someone down. Which distress tolerance skill could she use to decide which option to choose?
Pros and cons
The ______ is the powerhouse of the cell.
What is one of your top values?
You said one of the traits that matter most to you such as:
-humor, loyalty, friendship, family, wellness, knowledge, community, or hard work
How do you work through a values conflict?
I will accept anything along the lines of:
prioritizing, using a choice point, pros/cons, weighing outcomes, seeking support, and clarifying values
True or False: Resiliency is a trait you are born with.
False: resiliency is learned and needs to be continually practiced and worked towards.
____ arousal is when you are feeling anxiety, panic, fear, anger, or aggression
Quick! Your friend leans over during an assembly and tells you that they think they are about to have a panic attack. What is one way of managing that you can think of?
You suggested a distress tolerance technique, such as TIPP (maybe not I, but focusing on the cold metal of the chair, paced breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation), self-soothing with the 5 senses (sour candy perhaps), or riding out the wave
What does the word "glabella" refer to?
the flat bone between the eyebrows
According to a choice point, what are the two types of actions we can take in acting out our values?
Towards and away
What does it mean to "flip the pain?"
To figure out what value is underneath something that is causing you distress.
How does resiliency help with managing your inner critic?
Your inner critic is always looking for something to criticize. If you have the inner strength to keep going and grow from hardships, you can show that critic you are stronger!
What is one thing you can do to help bring yourself back into your window of tolerance when you notice yourself slipping out of it?
You identified a coping skill, activity, person, or mental technique to help regulate yourself and your emotions
HELP! Your therapist gets bonked on the head while trying to explain the ACCEPTS skill and completely forgets what it stands for. Can you help a gal out and fill in at least 3 of the letters? (Bonus: get an extra 50 points for each extra letter you fill in)
Activities, contributions, comparisons, emotions, passing by, thoughts, and sensations
How many therapists does it take to change a lightbulb?
0- the lightbulb has to want to change
What are the two categories of mindfulness skills?
What and How skills
You said something along the lines of:
not knowing your values, time restraints, lowered energy, factors beyond your control, limited access/resources, or conflicting values
Two-part question:
1. On a scale of 1-10 (1= low and 10= optimal), how resilient are you currently?
2. If you said less than 10, what would you need to change to help move you up 2 points?
-If you said 10, why?
1. You realistically identified your resiliency rating
2. You identified one ACTUAL AND SERIOUS way you can work on increasing your inner strength or you provided legitimate evidence to support your claims that you are at an optimal level of resiliency
What can influence the size of your window of tolerance?
You said something such as:
trauma, life experiences, stress, social privilege, chronic illness, limited access to health care, or limited coping skills
Your sibling tells you that they can't focus on anything because "my brain is in 20 different places at once." They ask you for help in calming down a bit. What do you say?
You explained mindfulness and provided a way for them to practice it such as:
-guided imagery, 5-3-2-1, deep breathing, focusing on one thing, paying attention to judgments, or practicing objective observation
In what state was German chocolate cake invented in?
What is a good question to ask your inner critic when trying to determine their helpfulness in the moment?
You said something along the lines of:
asking them to step into a waiting room, where they came from, whose voice is speaking, what their function is, if they can lower their volume, etc...
What is the acronym for setting a goal that can help you change an action so that you can live more according to your values?
Bonus: double points for knowing what it stands for!
SMART goal
S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Realistic
T- Timely
What is one thing you have learned in your life that led up to you strengthening your resilience?
You identified a lesson or experience that you endured that taught you about how to become internally stronger.
How do we widen our window of tolerance?
You identified techniques for re-regulating when experiencing hypo-arousal or hyperarousal
(such as: building mastery of coping skills, managing negative self-talk, increasing values-based living, expanding your social support system, enhancing your distress tolerance, and engaging in therapy)
I am not what you would think to do.
I am a task that is difficult when in a certain mood.
I require full commitment- mind, body, and soul.
I am something to use when your initial inclination is not in your best interest.
What am I?
Opposite action
How long is a giraffe's tongue?
22 inches
What is a fused thought?
Bonus: what is one way you can defuse from it?
A fused thought is a thought that seems like:
-absolute truth
-a command that obeys following
-a threat when it is not
-something happening in the moment when it is in the future or from the past
-something that requires all of your attention
-something that you can't let go of, even if it causes more distress.