Found in Scala Tympani and Scala Vestibuli, High in Sodium ions (Na+), Similar to CSF, and About 16-23 μL in humans
what is perilymph?
Divides scala vestibuli from scala media – single-cell layer
what is reissners membrane?
Two types of sensory cells
inner and outer hair cells
the three main parts of the inner ear?
what are the cochlea, semi-circular canals, and vestibule
also known as the snail-shaped chamber
the cochlea
Found in Scala Tympani and Scala Vestibuli
– High in Sodium ions (Na+)
– Similar to CSF
– About 16-23 μL in humans
what is endolymph?
On lateral wall of scala media; the “battery” of the ear
what is Stria Vascularis
inner hair cells and outer hair cells are on both sides of this supporting cell
what is tunnel of corti
the hearing portion of the inner ear
what is the cochlea
humans have 3500 per ear
inner hair cells
entirely contained within Organ of Corti
– Similar to perilymph
– May be perilymph that has migrated through the basilar
Divides scala media from scala tympani, undergoes wave
motion- very elastic
what is basilar membrane
what membrane covers the hair cells
the tectorial membrane
the balance portion of the inner ear
semicircular canals
cell organelles consistent with a high metabolic rate and muscle like capabilities
what are outer hair cells
Sits above organ of Corti, in contact with tallest OHC
stereocilia- fibrous/collagenous
what is tectorial membrane
nerve fibers going to and from the organ of corti travel across the tunnel of corti on the
what is the basilar membrane
a membrane that sits on top of the organ corti and is like an elatic wall
what is the basilar membrane
these are connected by fibers called cross-links and play a role in controlling the flow of ions into the hair cell
what is stereocilia
Divides organ of Corti from scala media- tight covering
what is reticular lamina
outer hair cells are firmly seated on
what are deiters' cells
the space within the temporal bone that encases inner ear- cavities which contain fluids and the membranous labyrinth
what is the membranous labyrinth
loud music can collapse this
what is the lung