The inner ear is divided into how many major anatomical components?
3 major anatomical components
What are the names of the three Scalae of the Cochlea?
Scala Vestibuli, Scala Media, and Scala Tympani
Where is the Tectorial Membrane located?
It is attached to the Spiral Limbus above the Basilar Membrane.
Endolymph is high in what and has how many microliters of endolymph?
It is high in potassium and has 2.7 microliters of endolymph.
What is the function of the Hensen cells?
Hensen cells regulate and regenerate hair cells and prevent the Cochlea from getting damaged.
What are the three major anatomical components of the inner ear?
semi-circular canals, vestibule, cochlea
What does the Scala Vestibuli contain?
Which two membranes connect to the Spiral Limbus?
The Reissner's Membrane and the Tectorial Membrane.
Perilymph is high in what and has how many microliters of perilymph?
It is high in sodium and has 23 microliters of perilymph.
What is the function of the Inner Phalangeal cells?
It supports the inner and outer hair cells respectively.
Where is the semi-circular canals located?
It is located posterior to the petrus.
What does the Scala Media contain?
What membrane does the Organ of Corti sit on?
It sits on the Basilar Membrane.
The outer hair cells are in what shape and has about how many stereocilia?
They are in a cylindrical shape and have about 150 stereocilia.
What is the function of the Pillar cells?
It provides a structural scaffold to help with mechanical stimulation of sensory hair cells.
Where is the vestibule located?
It is located in the center of inner ear between the semi-circular canals and the cochlea.
What does the Scala Tympani contain?
What does the Stria Vascularis do?
It produces endolymph for the Scala Media and also provides blood supply to the Cochlea.
The inner cells are in what shape and have about how many stereocilia?
They are in a flask shape and have about 60 stereocilia.
What is the function of the Deiters' cells?
They are supporting cells for the sensory-motor outer hair cells of the mammalian cochlea.
When the Cochlea is not rolled, how long is it and how many turns does it consist of?
The Cochlea is 36 millimeters long and consists of about 2 3/4 turns.
Which Scala contains the Organ of Corti?
Scala Media
What are the supporting cells of the inner ear?
Hensen's cells, Deiters' cells, Pillar cells, Inner Phalangeal cells, Tympanic Border cells.
In the human ear, there are about how many inner and outer hair cells?
There are about 3,500 inner hair cells and 12,000 outer hair cells.
What is the function of the Tympanic Border cells?
It transmits these vibrations to the ossicles of the middle ear to be further passed on to the cochlea of the inner ear for transduction.