What part of the temporal bone is the cochlea located?
What is the bony labyrinth?
What does the reticular lamina do?
What is divides the organ of Corti from the scala media?
What is the Latin derivation of scalae?
What is ladder or steps?
How long is the cochlea (unrolled) and how many turns does it contain?
What is 2 3/4 "turns" and 35 mm long from the "base" to the "apex“?
What is the purpose of the oval window?
What is connects to stapes footplate.
What are the fluids found in the three scala?
What are endolymph, perilymph, and Cortilymph?
What are the names of the three scalae of the cochlea?
What are scala vestibuli, scala media, and scala tympani?
What is the purpose of the round window?
What is bulging out as stapes pushes in?
What is located at the core of the cochlea?
What is modiolus?
Where is the Tunnel of Corti?
What is the cochlea?
What is the purpose of the basilar membrane?
What is undergoing wave motion?
What is contained within the organ of corti?
What is cortilymph?
How many inner ear hair cells are there?
What is 3,500?
What is divides organ of corti and scala media?
What are the functions of the cochlea?
What is filtering, distribution, and transduction?