Innovation Boosts Growth
Big Business Rises
The Organized Labor Movement
Cities and New Ways of Life

An economic practice where the government does NOT try to control the economy.

  1. Gospel of Wealth

  2. laissez faire

  3. Social Darwinism

  4. horizontal integration

2. laissez faire


A term for a business combination in which companies are involved in different but related businesses-

  1. shareholders

  2. horizontal integration

  3. vertical integration

  4. holding company

3. Vertical Integration


The Pullman Strike (1894) was significant in American labor history because it showed that-

  1. unions were powerful enough to break the restrictions placed on them by management

  2. unions were infiltrated by anarchists after people were killed during the protest in Chicago

  3. non-violent civil disobedience was a successful way to protest racial segregation in the "Jim Crow" South

  4. the needs and concerns of union members mattered less to the government than the needs and concerns of industrial executives

4. The needs and concerns of union members mattered less to the government than the needs and concerns of industrial executives


The railroad strikes of 1877, the Haymarket Affair of 1886, and the Pullman strike of 1894 show that labor unions were-

  1. firmly committed to laissez-faire capitalism

  2. unable to organize large groups of workers

  3. willing to use force to achieve their goals

  4. supported by the Federal Government during disputes with big business

3. willing to use force to achieve their goals


One reason Jacob Riis published many photographs similar to this was to...

  1. Encourage government assistance for poor farmers

  2. Promote the use of child labor

  3. Increase public concern over tenement conditions

  4. Disprove claims of yellow journalists

3. Increase public concern over tenement conditions


The process that made steel more profitable, more affordable, much stronger, and much lighter.

  1. Laissez-faire

  2. Interstate Commerce

  3. Bessemer

  4. National Market

3. Bessemer Process


In what industry did John D. Rockefeller make most of his wealth ?

  1. Steel

  2. Water transport

  3. Oil

  4. Bank

3. Oil


The most important reason for the growth of labor unions in the latter half of the 19th century was-

  1. the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act

  2. the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission

  3. the forceful leadership of the newly arriving immigrants

  4. the terrible way the workers were treated by big business and big industry

4. the terrible way the workers were treated by big business and big industry


Which of the following statements is correct:

  1. Mainly Asian immigrants came into America through Ellis Island

  2. Most European immigrants came into America through Angel Island

  3. Most European immigrants came into America through Ellis Island

  4. Most European immigrants came into America through Liberty Island

3. Most European immigrants came into America through Ellis Island


This man became known as the father of American Literature. He wrote some of the most famous books, one being titled the, "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn."

Mark Twain.


How did Alexander Graham Bell revolutionize communications?

  1. He invented the telephone.

  2. He invented the telegraph

  3. He invented the lightbulb.

  4. He invented the board game Monopoly.

1. He invented the telephone.


A monopoly is when...

  1. a company makes goods with machines

  2. a company makes goods by hand

  3. a company takes control of a product or service

  4. government takes over a business

3. a company takes control of a product or service


What happened at the "Haymarket Riot?"

A violent confrontation between police and labor protesters in Chicago on May 4, 1886, that became a symbol of the international struggle for workers' rights.


“That the master of any vessel who shall knowingly bring within the United States on such vessel, and land or permit to be landed, any Chinese laborer, from any foreign port or place, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine or not more than five hundred dollars for each and every such Chinese laborer so brought, and may be also imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year.” - Section 2, Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882.

This passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 was mainly a response to-

  1. race-based and economic opposition to immigrants in the western United States

  2. efforts of the American Federation of Labor to recruit skilled workers

  3. demands by businesses for additional workers

  4. pressure from railroads to limit competition in shipping

1. race-based and economic opposition to immigrants in the western United States


How did the Bessemer process affect urbanization?

  1. The Bessemer process made steel more expensive, so fewer buildings were constructed.

  2. The Bessemer process made steel cheaper, so more taller buildings were constructed.

  3. The Bessemer process created the Statue of Liberty.

  4. The Bessemer process led to the construction of taller, safer tenements.

2. The Bessemer process made steel cheaper, so more taller buildings were constructed.


Which of the following best explains the impact of railroads during the Industrial Revolution?

  1. Railroads were so slow and expensive that automobiles quickly replaced them.

  2. Railroads increased transportation costs led to a decline in factory output.

  3. Railroads were expensive and cost factory owners more money.

  4. Railroads increased the need for coal, steel, and steam engine production.

4. Railroads increased the need for coal, steel, and steam engine production.


Social Darwinism promoted the idea that...

  1. New immigrants were equal to native-born Americans.

  2. Stronger businesses would succeed at the expense of weaker businesses.

  3. The poor should be protected by the government.

  4. Natural selection is contrary to democratic principles. 

2. Stronger businesses would succeed at the expense of weaker businesses.


Which of these would BEST describe an immediate effect of the invention and mass production of the light bulb?

  1. time became standardized

  2. agriculture workers worked longer hours

  3. railroad companies expanded routes

  4. longer factory hours for all workers

4. longer factory hours for all workers


1. What state is Angel Island located in?

2. Where did most of the Angel Island immigrants emigrate from?

1. California

2. Asia


This person, along with Hearst, created the New York Newspaper Wars of the 1890s.

  1. Joseph Pulitzer

  2. Nellie Bly

  3. Charles Foster Kane

  4. William Henderson

1. Joseph Pulitzer


This is the social & political commitment & freedom to start their own businesses & compete-

  1. free enterprise system

  2. free response system

  3. free travel system

  4. freedom of choice

1. Free Enterprise System

What type of business did Andrew Carnegie run?

1. Oil

2. Steel

3. Railroad

4. Telephone Communications

2. Steel


In your own words, explain the importance of Unions. What do they do?

(Answers may vary) Labor unions are important because they protect workers' rights, promote higher wages and benefits, and improve working conditions.


1. What state is Ellis Island located in?

2. Where did most of the Ellis Island immigrants emigrate from?

1. New York

2. Europe


One of the downfalls of large cities during this time was the creation of tenements. In your own words, what is a tenement and why was this a problem?

A "tenement" refers to a large, often overcrowded apartment building, typically with poor living conditions, that was subdivided into small, cheap rental spaces, primarily used to house poor immigrants in rapidly growing 19th century cities, particularly in places like New York City; characterized by cramped living quarters, inadequate sanitation, and poor ventilation.