Dina Dent
Who is IFMC's CNO?
Nursing introduction to a Magnet Appraiser.
Hello, my name is _____________ my highest nursing degree is __________ and am certified (working on a certification) as a ___________. I am on the ADVANCE ladder and have reached RN (2,3,4, or 5). I have been with Inova _____ years.
Local level of Professional Governance; includes all care area team members (including PCT/MA)
What is Unit Based Council (UBC)?
Unit focused Magnet information is displayed here for staff to see.
What are Magnet Boards?
Mental Health resource offered by Inova to promote resilience and self-care among team members
What is Lyra?
Examples of this category include:
Performance Improvement Protects.
SuperUsers/Champions, ADVANCE clinic ladder, committees
What is Exemplary Professional Practice?
Documented plan with measurable goals at the unit level
What is Unit Based Council Charter?
Magnet Appraisers may speak with
What are staff, patients, visitors...Anyone?
To provide world-class healthcare – every time, every touch – to each person in every community we have the privilege to serve.
What is Inova's mission statement?
This organization gives National benchmarks for CAUTI, CLABSI and HAPI etc. (Nurse Sensitive Indicators)
What is NDNQI?
Members of the Unit Based Council responsible for attending Care Site Council meetings.
What is chair/co-chair OR CSC rep?
Areas of the hospital Magnet Appraisers will visit
What is anywhere nursing is practiced?
The 8th largest hospital organization in the world and 4th largest organization in the country.
What is INOVA?
Way(s) to recognize another nurse/team member
What is Daisy/Peach, Nurse Excellence Awards, High Fives?
Bidirectional Communication
What is does UBC and CSC promote?
Verify AND BRAG!!!
What is the purpose of a Magnet Site Visit?
Inova Value defined as "We act with courage, the unit level hold ourselves accountable and achieve results at the highest level of performance in our field"?
What is Excellence?
Places to share Magnet information with staff at Inova
What is staff meetings, huddles and 1:1?
Professional Governance is an example of this Magnet Model component
What is Structural Empowerment?
The length of the "Magnet Window"
What is 48 months