What base will you use when taking inquiry calls?
What screen is the PIN found on?
Notice List
The first eligible week on a claim is known as the _____.
Waiting Week
_____ means that the claimant needs to file a new claim.
A _____ is a numeric code used for authentication purposes to access a device, system or account.
If the claimant’s IVR access has been _____, there will be a message at the top of the page and the IVR PIN Status field will show Locked.
What screen(s) will show you if the claimant has an unresolved issue?
Issue List
_____ means that the claimant has received all the benefits they are entitle to.
What is the name of the telephone system that claimant's can use to file their weekly claims?
Voice Response System
What is the name of the document needed for someone to handle a deceased claimant’s claim?
Executor of Estate
If it has been more than ________ with no activity the claim is closed.
21 days
This mean that an issue has not been adjudicated.
What screen(s) will show you the dates of a disqualification?
Issue Detail
What should you do if a claimant is having difficulty filing their weekly claims?
Conference the claimant into the VRS
If the claimant unable to speak for themself, advise them they will need to provide the VEC with a _____.
Power of Attorney
Once an add claim is filed, the claimant must wait _____ before he/she can file a weekly claim.
8 days
This means that an issue has been adjudicated.
Earnings, Severance Pay, Vacation Pay, Holiday Pay, Other Pay, Pension, Worker’s Compensation, RBA Adjustments and Short-Time Compensation will show under _____.
401K, Child Support, Distribution of Overpayment, Holiday Pay, Other Pay, Pension, Annuity, Severance Pay, Vacation Pay, and Wages
Types of Deductible Income
What information must you verify on an inquiry call?
Social Security Number, First and Last Name, PIN, Mailing Address and Date of Birth
_____ cannot be shared with claimants.
Internal Processes
What screen will show if a decision has been made on an issue?
Issue Detail
Overpayment Withholdings, Child Support Withholding and Federal Tax Withholding will show under _____.
Warn Pay, Social Security Income, Social Security Disability Income, Social Security Retirement, Supplemental Income, Long-Term and Short-Term Private Disability Insurance, Veterans Disability Benefits and Worker's Compensation