Distinct features
Pretty Prey and Predators
Insect Architecture
Heroes and Villians
Pest Control

This bug is known for its ability to shine through a process called bioluminescence. 

What is a FireFly?


These insects mimic twigs or branches to camouflage from predators. 

What is a Stick Bug?


This insect's home is created by a hardworking colony with wax. 

What is a beehive? 


This insect is commonly know as earth's heroes because of their vital role as pollinators 

What is a Honey Bee?


These pests are commonly found in children's hair and can be effectively teated with shampoos that contain permethrin.

What is Lice? 


This insect's distinct feature is releasing an unpleasant smell when faced with danger. 

What is a Stink Bug?


This prey's colorful pattern can be seen around blooming flowers as they use their long tongue to get nectar.

What is a Hummingbird Moth?


This habitat is extremely mouldable as it is reshaped through intra-group interactions by millions of colonies. 

What is an ant nest? 


This Marvel superhero can climb on anything, shoot webs, and detect when danger is coming.

What is Spiderman?


This bothersome bug can be effectively eradicated through extreme heat treatment because of its resilience to chemical methods.

What are Bed Bugs?


Competition is high for these insects as their sturdy horns can lift 30 times their weight. 

What is a Rhinoceros Beetle?


This small yet dainty predator has an insatiable appetite for aphids and is often called aphid lions.

What is a Lacewing?


These insects construct elaborate paper-like nests from maceration with one small hole opening at the bottom.

What is a hornet's nest?


This Marvel superhero can shrink in size and call on an army of this insect to help fight crime.

What is Ant-Man?


This spotted insect sent a viral killing craze in the Eastern United States in effort to control the threat to fruit, crops, and trees. 

What is Spotted Lanternfly? 


Sharing a name with a nocturnal bird because of its resemblance, this insect is intimidating to predators. 

What is an Owl Moth?


Known as active hunters, these colorful insects catch more than 90% of their prey.

What is a Dragonfly?


These larvae build themselves into a wide, protective case made from sand, twigs, and pebbles to keep themselves from sinking. 

What is a Caddisfly? 


This female insect seeks out a victim's blood to feed on for nutrients in egg reproduction

What is a Mosquito?


This green insect is a natural pest control, helping farmers and gardeners protect their crops. 

What is Praying Mantis?


This insect's distinct feature helps it camouflage from predators. 

What is an Orchid Mantis?


This predator does all its eating as larvae by luring its prey from the glow of its bioluminescent organ. 

What is a Glowworm Beetle?


This insect is known for creating massive mounds of mud, plant parts, saliva and feces. 

What are Cathedral Termites?


This Africanized insect is known to chase people for more than a quarter mile if aggravated. 

What is Killer Bee?


These pantry pests invade household food items like rice and legumes, causing contamination and spoilage. 

What are Weevils?