Dragonflies scientific name
What is Anisoptera?
I can fly but I’m not a helicopter
I’m an insect but I’m not an ant
I’m yellow and black but I’m not a butterfly
I can sting but I’m not a wasp
What is a bee?
The three parts of an insect
What are the head, thorax, and abdomen?
This Dreamworks character is known for quoting the phrase "Ya like Jazz?"
Who is Barry Bee Benson?
What is the name of this Jeopardy set?
American cockroach scientific name.
What is Blattodea Blattidae?
Whirring wildly, I whip above the water, winging on the wind as I watch for wigglers (mosquito larvae) in the water.
What is a Dragonfly?
This body part is on the head of the insect and is used to sense its surroundings.
What is antenna?
This bug is a popular meme coinciding with the distraction dance meme.
What is stick bug?
Name an insect
Butterfly scientific name
What is Lepidoptera?
I am a creature of the night,
My glow is my guiding light,
I dance and flicker in the sky,
But in the day, I'm hard to spy
What is a Firefly?
The wings of an insect connect to this body part
What is the thorax?
This meme is of a spining insect with autotune music playing.
What is Dancing cockroach?
name this insect
Ladybug scientific name
What is coccinellidae?
I spread disease but I’m not a sneeze
I’m an insect but I’m not a spider
I can fly but I’m not an ant
I bite but I’m not a dog
I suck blood but I’m not a vampire
What is Mosquito?
This body part is the insects jaw.
What is Mandible?
This meme is of a bug telling you some cool facts
What is Cool bug facts memes?
name this insect
Honey bee scientific name
What is Apis?
I’m something a lot of people are scared of but I’m not heights
I sometimes bite but I’m not a snake
I have eight legs but I’m not two chairs
I eat flies but I’m not a frog
I have a web but I don’t have anything to do with the internet
What is a Spider?
This body part is behind the head of a grasshopper and protects the thorax.
What is the pronotum?
This meme is of famous people as insects
What is the 4 horsemen of insects?
name this insect
Dragon fly