The police arrested the student for writing in his notebook.
What is Death Note
What is the best-selling video game console to this day?
What is PlayStation 2
In the Halo TV show, what was one of the names that Master Chief was referred to as by the internet?
What is Master Cheeks
What is the name of the Coffin Dance song?
What is Astromania
A Dungeons and Dragons dice set is typically made up of what kinds of dice? List them.
What is D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20 and D10.
You killed my mother, prepare to die!
What is Attack on Titan
Including all DLC, who is the final boss of the entire Dark Souls series?
What is Slave Knight Gael
What are Ogres like?
What is Onions
What game popularized the meme term "Sus"?
What is Among Us
How many times was former President Trump impeached while holding office?
What is Two times
Me and the bois going to Egypt to kill that one gay vampire.
What is Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Stardust Crusaders
What is the very first Pokémon (001) in the Pokédex?
What is Bulbasaur
What is the name of the movie that was based on the true story of the making of the best film in cinema history, "The Room"?
What is The Disaster Artist
What is Bernie Sanders asking from the people during his second Democratic Party presidential nomination in the form of " I am once again asking for your..."?
What is Financial Support
What does THC in marijuana stand for?
What is Tetrahydrocannabinol
8 people try and sell paper.
What is The Office
What game won the most awards at the Game Awards 2022?
What is God of War Ragnarök
How many MCU movies did Spiderman appear in?
What is 6 movies
In Shrek, who says "I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder."
What is Donkey
What is the name of the reformed orthodox rabbi who was nominated for an award at the Game Awards 2022.
What is Bill Clinton
Group spends 9 hours returning jewelry.
What is Lord Of The Rings
How many of the original Rainbow Six Siege operators were available to play at the launch of the game?
What is 21 operators inclduing recruit
The Infinity Saga is considered to be part of what phase(s)?
What is Phase 1, 2, and 3
In Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, what does Darth Vader say to Luke after he cuts off Luke's right hand?
What is “No, I am your father.”
How long did the 7-page Muda last in the adaptation of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind?
What is 30 seconds