Health & Safety
Primrose Education
PWP Regulations
Cell phones: 

Are cell phones allowed to be used in the classroom? Do this include watches, personal ipads, etc? 

No, no, and no. 


When/ what should you write an incident report for? 

What if there is no mark? 

What is any time a child injures themselves or another child. 

Incident reports should still be written if an injury occurred, even if there is no mark. 


How many children is our school licensed to care for?

What is 232


Where do you have Noggin & Joggin' and Circle Time?

What is the circle rug?


What is our dress code?

Monday-Thursday: Black/ Khaki pants, Primrose approved shirts (NOT T-Shirts), name tag (Exception Infants) 

Friday: Jeans (no holes); Primrose T-shirt


What are you supposed to do when outside on the playground?

What is walk around and supervise? 

What all goes into your UPK Kit?

What is: 

- flashlight

- 3 to 4 ziplock baggies including cotton balls, bandaids, paper towels, gloves

- Small black trash bags

How long has Primrose School of West Plano been open for?

What is 12 years


Does Primrose allow coloring sheets?

What is No!!!! 


What are the Staff Prohibited Behaviors? 

- Hitting, spankings, shaking, twisting, pulling, etc

- Demanding excessive physical exercise

- Isolating a child 

- Using or withholding food as a punishment or reward

- Any form of emotional abuse

- Vaping or drinking on site

- Coming to work high


What must you know when a state inspector comes for our license renewal? 

What is how many children you have; oldest and youngest

Do you have to wear the same gloves during the entire diaper changing process? Please explain your answer.

No you shouldn't. This spreads germs.


When is our schools anniversary?

What is August 22nd? 


When are Primrose puppets used?

Everything! Rules of the Roost, Small group/Wonder time, Center, Circle Time/ Noggin & Joggin. 

What food/ drinks are you not allowed to bring into the classroom? 

We are a no nut school so places like CFA, Jimmy Johns, Five guys, use peanut oil to cook their food in. While fruit, lettuce, etc are not cooked in peanut oil, it is still airborne. We can not have hot drinks in our classrooms as it is a safety hazard. 


How many training hours are you required to have? 



When do you NDC cots?

When you do laundry or anytime there is an accident. 


What is the schools address & phone number?

What is 6480 West Plano Pkwy & 972-403-3444


What two types of Happy Grams do we write and are they the same for every time?

Generic and Academic. Every child's happy gram should be different each time.


1) Describe what should happen when an incident occurs. 

2)What should/ should not be included in an incident report? 

What is 

1) Call a code Erwin; Explain incident to leadership; Write the incident report so leadership can call the family. 

2) Never use other children's names or he/she; Explain what exactly happened- choosing words carefully and avoiding confrontational wording. 


What are the ratios for each age group? This can be 1: ____. 

What is 

Infants- 1:4; 1:5 if all are the age of 1

YT- 1:5 

TODDS- 1:9

EP/ Pathways- 1:11

PS- 1:15

PK- 1:18

Kinder- 1:24

Explorer- 1:26


1) What signal do you not put out during an active shooter drill?

2) Where do you go for a fire drill?

3) Where do you go for a tornado drill? What if you are an infants?

1) The green slip in your school safe plan

2) Playgrounds

3) Hallways. Infants go into either the bathroom or staff room.


What are the 4 Principles of Service?

What is 

Approach Each Day with Joy

Build Trusted Relationships

Connect with Warmth & Sincerity

Deliver the WOW! 


Name all 12 puppets and their character traits and/or their place in your curriculum. 

Erwin- Friendship- Birthdays & Art

Molly- Respect for Others- Math & Calendar

Katie- Cooperation- Life Skills

Benjamin- Generosity- Science, Naturem & Weather

Libby- Fairness- Plan of the Day

Billy- Keeping Promises- Harmony & Heart

Og- Caring- Og's Story Time

Peanut- Honesty- Reading Readiness & Vocabulary

Megy- Conservation- Technology 

Percy- Courage- Happy Hearts

Mia- Citizenship- Thumbs Up! 

Ally- Responsibility- Noggin' Joggin'


What should you do when you step into a classroom to relive a teacher? 

You should pick up wherever they left off at.

For example: If they are reading a book, you switch and read the book. If they are cleaning up, you switch and finish cleaning up.