In color theory what color is opposite to red on the color wheel ?
How do you spell "Mysssysssypppy"?
Give a synonym of : To remain stable
To hold steady
To kill two ... with one ...
birds, stone.
What is it called when a single color is used in different tints and shades in art
Monochromatic Art
How many states are there in the USA ?
In which rear happened the Brexit ?
It smells a ...
What are the primary colors (be accurate)
Print : CMYK
Display : RGB
Paint : RYB
What are the Seven Wounders ?
Chichen Itza ; Taj Mahal ; Christ the redeemer ; Great wall of chine ; Petra ; Machu pichu ; Colosseum
Who is the current english Prime Minister ?
Rishi Sunak
I have got bigger ... to ...
Fish, fry
What are the five most used colors on flags (in the right order)
Red - Blue - White - Green - Yellow
Where is the lake of tranquility ?
The Moon
What is the meaning of : handkerchief
A square of cotton for wiping one's nose
As dead as a ...
Describe the main tints of this color : Celadon
Pale shade of green, greenish gray
What is the biggest freshwater lake in the world ?
Lake Baikal (Russia)
complete : every cloud has a silver ..........
My ear is ...