Who said it?

What feelings are represented by characters in the movie? 

Answer: Joy Anger Sadness Fear Disgust


What is special about the control panel at headquarters? What do we notice about the control panel as Riley grows up?

The control panel is the tool used to influence Riley through emotion. The control panel starts as one simple button that can be controlled by one emotion at a time. As Riley matures it becomes more complex until eventually each feeling can work together to guide Riley. 


Disgust attempts to imitate Joy. When Mom brings up hockey tryouts, Riley responds by saying “Oh yeah, that sounds fantastic”. These may have been the same words Joy would have used. What makes this response so different from how Joy would have responded?

Consider the tone and body language she uses in addition to the words. Mom realised there was more to the message Riley sent than just in her words. Her tone implied sarcasm- her words did not match the real meaning.


Who says:

“Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems.”



According to Anger, San Francisco ruined pizza. What was added to the Pizza that ruined it in his opinion?



How does Disgust benefit Riley? What is her purpose?

Disgust keep Riley safe from being poisoned physically and socially, according to Joy.


When the family arrives at their new home. Each character has the same content and experience. They are all observing the same house yet through each character’s lens, the response is different. How might each character respond differently to seeing the new home? How is Joy's perspective different?

Through the lens of Anger, Fear, Disgust, and Sadness the house seems to be a nightmare for Riley. When viewed through Joy’s perspective the house seems to be an exciting opportunity.


Watch closely and answer the question that follows

Anger is reading a newspaper before taking over the control panel. What does his newspaper say?

This represents the thought that Riley has in response to Meg having interest in her new friend.


Who says:

"an empty room is an opportunity"



What job does Joy give Sadness during Riley's first day of school? 

Sadness was tasked with keeping all of the sadness inside the "Circle of Sadness". 


How does Fear benefit Riley? What purpose does Fear serve for people?

Fear helps to keep Riley and other humas safe. Fear is what keeps people from making unsafe choices. Fear helps with determining if something or someone is safe or not. 


When the moving van is unable to arrive on time, the family begins to show some agitation. The different emotions are presented strongly. Joy realizes that the stress may have been overwhelming. She gives Riley a playful idea and the family turns to playing hockey. What does this show us about responding to emotions?

Riley chose to follow Joy’s idea, she did not have to. She chose her actions based on her feeling of happiness rather than anger or sadness for example. Feelings may not always be a choice, but people can choose what feelings to give energy and respond to.


Fill in the blank:

In this clip we see Joy make a decision that can be described as an [Blank] decision

Choosing to take the "shortcut" is an example of an impulsive decision.

impulsivity can sometimes be destructive or dangerous.


Who says:

"emotions can't quit genius"



What was the name of the clown that was sleeping in Riley's subconscious? 



How does Anger benefit Riley? What is the purpose of Anger?

Anger helps Riley decide what is fair or unfair. Anger can inspire passion and competitiveness. Anger can also be used in decision making, though anger can lead a person to make poor choices if it is not controlled or responded to appropriately. 


Dad leaves the family for a work call, ending play time. As a response Sadness claims that Dad no longer loves Riley. This shows that our thoughts and feelings are connected, though our thoughts are not always accurate. Had Sadness been the one to “drive” what direction may the movie have gone?

Riley may have decided to cry or shut down in response to the sadness. Had Riley given energy to her feelings of sadness, she could have ended up believing that she was unloved and feeling badly about herself or her family. 


Watch this clip and discuss the difference between empathy and sympathy. Who is more comforting to Bing Bong?

Sadness is more comforting to Bing Bong. She sits with Bong Bong in his sadness. She allows him to acknowledge his feelings and waits patiently with him, even offering him her shoulder to cry on during a hug. 

Joy had sympathy for Bing Bong. She felt sorry for him but was uncomfortable with his feelings. Sadness had empathy meaning she could relate to his feelings of sadness. She understood that in order for Bing Bong to move on, he had to process and share his feelings rather than ignore them.


Who says: 

"Oh no, these facts and opinions look so similar"



What falls from Bing Bong's eyes when he cries?

Riley's imaginary friend cries candy, rather than tears.


How does Sadness benefit Riley?

Sadness plays a major role for Riley- Riley could not understand true happiness without the contrast of sadness. Sadness also helps people to connect and share experiences with each other. Expressing sadness also helps people to receive the support, compassion, and care needed.


DOUBLE POINTS can be awarded by answering the following questions:

Which feeling character sits in the "driver seat" or is central for Riley's mother?

What about for her father?

Sadness is a the center of control for Riley's mother, while Anger has the main influence over her father. 


What tool does Dad use to help Riley manage her emotions? he uses D----------. 

He uses distraction or diversion. Riley was able to be distracted from her anger and make a better choice as a result. 


Who says:

"On a scale of one to ten I give this day an F"



What are the lyrics to Bing Bong's theme song?

Who's your friend who likes to play?
Bing Bong, Bing Bong
His rocket makes you yell "Hooray!"
Bing Bong, Bing Bong
Who's the best in every way, and wants to sing this song to say
Bing Bong, Bing Bong!