Characterization 1
Characterization 2

What year is it when the story begins?



What does Ha's relationship with her Papaya tree reveal about her?

It reveals her need for consistency and nurturing in the middle of chaos.


Describe Ha's personality.

A. Determined
B. Competitive
C. Spoiled
D. Resilient
F. Resourceful
G. A,B, H
H. Rebellious
I. A,B,C,D,G
K. A,B,D,F,H

K. determined, resilient, resourceful, competitive, rebellious


How does Ha demonstrate her resilience in life through her Papaya tree?

She uses her Papaya tree to constantly fine pieces of joy despite her circumstances.


What does tuyet sut mean"

Right Away


What year marks the beginning of the book; whatteo holidays does this event represent?

Tet; New Years and Birthdays


What does the chapter "Inside Out" reveal about the nature of war?

It reveals that war disrupts lives, everyday activities.


How does Ha feel about her brothers? What is she always trying to prove?

She loves her brothers but she is often in competition with them. She is always trying to prove that she is just as smart.


What does Ha's wishfulness about her father's return show about her?

A. Her unwavering hope
B.Her spoiled nature
C. Her vulnerability without her father
D. Both A and B
E. Both A and C

E. Both A and C


What does the name Ha Ma mean? (Hint: This was the inspiration her father used to name her after the Golden River)

River Horse


Why is Brother Khoi upset with mother?

Mother keeps taking and cooking his eggs


Why is Tet an important event for Ha's family? What does Tet remind the family of?

Tet is a symbol of new beginnings and hope. Tet reminds the family of what they have lost.


What character trait does Ha display when she refrains from saying her father's favorite phrase to her mother?

B. Pity
D. Resourcefulness



How does Ha's interactions with her brothers highlight her role in the family?

Ha's interactions with her brother's highlight her feelings of being underestimated and overlooked as the youngest often is.


What is banh chung?

A food eaten only during Tet


How many years has Kim Ha's father been missing?

nine years


How does the family cope with the absence of their father?

They assume that he is dead. They do this to help them live in their reality so that the difficult decision can be made. They do this to stop the " waiting".


In the texts below, what character trait does Kim Ha display?

Wish I could do what boys do
and let the sun darken my skin,
and scars grid my knees.

Wish Mother would stop chiding
me to stay calm,
which makes it worse.

A. Unruliness
B. Disrespect

C. Unconventional


Which piece of evidence best show Ha's deeply rooted sense of justice?

A. "Everyone must smile, no matter how we feel"
B. "I decided to wake before dawn and tap my big toe to the tile floor first."
C. "Mother tells me, They tease you because they adore you."
D. "Four years older, he can see higher."
E. Both A and D
F. Both B and C
G. Both A and B

G. Both A and B


What does it mean when the I Ching Teller of Fate says that the family's lives will twist "inside out"?

It means their lives will become unfamiliar and chaotic.


Describe Ha's mother.

What kind of parent is she?

What are some character traist and emotions she display throughout the story?

What is her greatest regret?

Ha's mother is a single parent. She is hardworking and loving towards her children. She is often sad as she misses her husband and wishes she could provide more for her children.


How does the war impact Ha's life? What does the war cause?

The war causes fear, loss, and uncertainty. 


How does Ha's relationship with her mother shape her behavior?

Ha's relationship with her mother is full of respect, fear, and love. Her mother's strictness shapes her cautious and sometimes sneaky behavior.


Which quote shows Ha's desire to stand up for herself?

A. "I would still be standing there crying and waving to nothing if Brother Khôi hadn’t come to take my hand."
B. "No one knows and I feel smart"
C. "Sometimes I whisper to myself tuyet sut to pretend I know him"
D. "I vow to rise first every morning to stare at the dew on the green fruit shaped like a lightbulb"

D. "I vow to rise first every morning to stare at the dew on the green fruit shaped like a lightbulb"


What is Brother Quang alluding to when he says, "One cannot justify war unless each side flaunts its own blind conviction"

Quang is alluding to the stubbornness of war. He is illustrating how each side fails to see the consequences of their actions which normally hurts all people in the end.