The youngest child and the only daughter of the main family in the story.
The city the main character was born and grew up in.
"I touch it, so real and long, not knowing if I will have another change to touch _____ fuzz. I pluck one hair."
The oldest brother of the main family of the story. He is twenty-one and he studies engineering.
Brother Quang
The reason the mother of the main family chooses to go to America.
"Sip, he [the commander] says, and don't waste strength moving around because it's impossible to predict how much longer we will be _______." Meaning: to rest or move on the surface of water (like a boat).
He is tall and pig-bellied. He wears a black cowboy hat, tan cowboy boots, and he smokes cigars.
The city the mother of the family wrote down first (before choosing to go to America) (p.106).
"We watch movies outdoors with images projected onto a white sheet. Brother Quang _______ into a microphone, his voice sad and slow" Meaning: to change from one language to another language
The best friend and relative of the Father of the main family.
Uncle Son
When the family arrives to the United States, they are sent to a 'tent city' in which state.
He resigns from his job in the government. He is crying when he resigns and looks "sad and yellow".
President Thieu
The island where the family lives before leaving for the United States.