What color represents anger in Inside Out?
What is "Red"?
What color represents fear in Inside Out?
What is "Purple"?
What color represents joy in Inside Out?
What is "Yellow"?
What color represents disgust in Inside Out?
What color represents sadness in Inside Out?
What is "Blue"?
How old is Riley when the family moves?
What is "11"?
What city does Riley's family move to?
What is "San Francisco"?
What sport does Riley play?
What is "Hockey"?
What state does Riley's family move from?
What is the name of Riley's imaginary friend?
What is "Bing Bong"?
What does Riley decide to do to solve her problem?
What is "Run away" ?
What is stored in the colored glass orbs?
What is "Memories"?
The islands are made out of ____ memories.
What is "Core"?
What is on the pizza that Riley doesn't like?
What does Riley do when she is sad on her first day of class?
What is "Cries"?
Where do Joy and Bing Bong get stuck?
What is the "Memory Dump" or "Forgotten memories"?
The many rows of colored orbs represent storage for _____ memories.
What is "Long-term"?
What job does Joy give Sadness during Riley's first day of school?
Joy asked sadness to stay inside the "Circle of Sadness".
How does Riley get money to buy a ticket?
Steals credit card.
What does Joy try to keep Sadness away from touching?
What is the "control console" and/or
What comes out of anger's head when he is very mad?
What is "Fire"?
Joy, Sadness, and Bing Bong try to ride the train of ______ back to headquarters.
What is "thought"?
Goofball Island.
What was the name of the clown that was sleeping in Riley's subconscious?
What is "Jangles"?
What happens when Sadness touches a memory?
What is "they turn blue / sad"?