Perspectives & Research
Behaviors related to things like depression are best explained by these two perspectives of psychology (biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, & socio-cultural)
What are biological and cognitive because depression has a biological predisposition that affects the way that a person thinks?
Michael sees a bear and perceives danger while Jill's anxiety cause her to perceive a bear when there isn't one. Michael is exhibiting this kind of perception, while Jill is exhibiting that kind.
What is bottom-up perception vs. top-down perception?
One of Bill's core memories is the time that he hit the winning home run for his baseball team. This is an example of this type of memory (semantic, episodic, procedural, or conditioned).
What is an episodic memory or an "episode" or a person's life?
Suzy has a supportive loving relationship with her parents, particularly her mom. This is the type of attachment style (secure, avoidant, or anxious-ambivalent)that she likely had when she was an infant.
What is a secure attachment?
You see a grizzly bear which causes a physiological arousal that results in a feeling of fear that results in you running for your life. This is an example of this theory of emotion (James-Lange, Canon-Bard, & Schachter Two-Factor).
What is the James-Lange theory?
In the experiment below, this is the independent variable:
Researchers wanted to find out if eating hot peppers would increase a person’s ability to remember items on a long grocery list. 45 males & 45 females of various ethnic groups were informed and gave their consent to participate. Half of the subjects were given hot peppers, and the other half were not. Then their scores on a memory test were compared.
What is eating hot peppers?
After a day of taking final exams, you fall asleep and dream about taking a final exam. This is BEST explained using this theory of dreams (wish-fulfilment, activation-synthesis, information processing, & cognitive development).
What is information processing theory that states that dreams are simply your brain's attempt to process the day's events?
You get sick after eating a tuna fish sandwich. Now, you can't even see a can of tuna fish without feeling nauseated. In this example of Classical Conditioning (UCS, UCR, N/CS, CR): this is the sandwich, this is getting sick, this is the can, and this is feeling nauseated.
What are?
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) = sandwich
Unconditioned Response (UCR) = getting sick
Neutral/Conditioned Stimulus (N/CS) = the can
Conditioned Response (CR) = feeling nauseated
In Freud's model of the mind (id, ego, & superego), this component would be responsible for a person focusing on acting goofy simply to have fun.
What is the id?
The more you think about graduation, the more excited that you get. This is explained BEST by this theory of emotion (James-Lange, Canon-Bard, & Schachter Two-Factor).
What is the Schachter-Singer Two-Factor theory because your emotion is influenced by your thoughts or perception of the event?
In the experiment below, this is the dependent variable:
Researchers wanted to find out if eating hot peppers would increase a person’s ability to remember items on a long grocery list. 45 males & 45 females of various ethnic groups were informed and gave their consent to participate. Half of the subjects were given hot peppers, and the other half were not. Then their scores on a memory test were compared.
What is their score on a memory test?
This is the brain structure most responsible for the fear and anger of the fight or flight response.
What is the amygdala?
Your teacher moves you away from your friends because you were talking in class. This is an example of this type of Operant Conditioning (positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, & negative punishment).
What is negative punishment because your teacher is removing a stimulus in order to stop a behavior?
Even though she is very anxious about final exams, Abby acts the opposite by goofing around with her friends. This is an example of this type of defense mechanism.
What is reaction formation or acting the opposite of how you really feel?
Ed can't go to work because he is anxious due to the voices that he hears telling him that aliens are trying to abduct him. This behavior obviously qualifies as a mental health disorder like schizophrenia because it is abnormal, it causes Ed psychological pain, and it prevents him from going to work. These are indications of these three conditions of a mental illness.
What are the 3Ds (deviance, distress, & dysfunction)?
In the experiment below, the sample of subjects is a representative sample because of this:
Researchers wanted to find out if eating hot peppers would increase a person’s ability to remember items on a long grocery list. 45 males & 45 females of various ethnic groups were informed and gave their consent to participate. Half of the subjects were given hot peppers, and the other half were not. Then their scores on a memory test were compared.
What is that there are representatives of each gender and ethnicity?
Sleeping and dreaming are considered another state of this which is why you can't dream and watch tv at the same time.
What is consciousness?
Depression can make a person's memories seem more depressing because memories can easily be influenced by outside information. A phenomenon called this. And, when a memory is recalled, it is stored back in the context of the emotions that are currently being felt. A phenomenon called that.
What is the misinformation effect and state-dependent learning?
Marjory refuses to let herself feel her emotions about a traumatic event that happened to her. This is an example of this type of defense mechanism.
What is suppression?
A firefighter who sacrifices themselves to save someone else is demonstrating this theory of motivation (instinct, drive-reduction, incentive, & Maslow's hierarchy of needs)
What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs because they are sacrificing their safety needs for others thereby demonstrating their full potential as a human being?
In the experiment below, this ethical guideline (informed consent, no harm, privacy, & debriefing) was clearly used:
Researchers wanted to find out if eating hot peppers would increase a person’s ability to remember items on a long grocery list. 45 males & 45 females of various ethnic groups were informed and gave their consent to participate. Half of the subjects were given hot peppers, and the other half were not. Then their scores on a memory test were compared.
What is informed consent?
This structure of the brain is most associated with memory.
What is the hippocampus?
A high school student can understand a hypothetical such as a world where a feather could break class. That student is using hypothetical or abstract logic and would be in this stage of Piaget's stages of cognitive development (Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operations, & Formal Operations).
What is Formal Operations?
This is the best parenting style (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, & uninvolved) because it is responsive and demanding.
What is authoritative?
CTFAR is a type of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy that involves addressing the cognitive distortions of Original Thoughts by coming up with healthy New Thoughts and adopting behaviors that reflect those New Thoughts and essentially "faking until making it." CTFAR stands for this
What is?