What does KMT stand for?
What is Knowledge Management Tool
Which KMT document do we use to locate the billing cycle?
What is Billing and Collection Information.
Name one reason we look in Maps first when setting up new service?
1. We may not service the area.
2. Customer may need to be informed to call someone else to set up servcies.
Name 3 Metrics seen on the Performance Board.
Adherence, Productivity, BC accuracy, NPS, Quote to Call, Close Rate, Credits, Retention Rate and Retention Revenue
What KMT document is used as a retention tool?
What is Market Conditions.
Which KMT document is used to locate the landfill information for the customer?
What is Site Information and Solid Waste Districts.
When would you need to complete a Quick Create?
When pricing is missing in orderform or does not match the KMT document.
What do the red, blue and yellow dots stand for in maps?
What are residential , commercial and industrial accounts?
What can cause you to not meet adherence.
Not clocking into breaks lunches and meetings on time. Also, red logout before and after your shift. We should be in grey logout until you are clocked in and grey logout as soon as you leave.
When customer is moving, what should you ask for at the beginning of the call and why?
New address to transfer services.
In which KMT document can you find Acceptable and Non-Acceptable Items?
What is the Disposal Notes document.
What is the Division Document.
On maps what is the 4 digit number listed on the service day tell us?
What is the route number?
How can we meet our BC accuracy for month to date.
Using our tools!!!
A customer calls in, " I want to cancel my services." What is your response?
"I am sorry to hear that, what is the reason you are cancelling?"
What 3 KMT documents do you use for a quick create?
What are the Division document, Billing and Collections and Data Entry Info.
Where can we locate the LOB?
What is Data Entry Information document.
If the address we are looking for in Maps is not pinging to the correct location, what would be the next steps?
1. Enter the address in google maps.
2. Copy and past the latitude and longitude in our Maps (reversing the #s and including the ",")
3. Ask probing questions for cross streets.
What is the retention revenue $ goal each month.
If Market Conditions shows:
"Match competitor to save customer"
where would this information go?
What is the change in price case, Additional Notes.
When should you quote from KMT?
When the pricing in the Division document does not match in Orderform or is missing in Orderform and a Quick Create is needed.
Where can you locate the correct Division document to use when setting up new service?
Double Jeopardy
What is Maps?
What are the first 3 LOB's in Maps?
1. Residential Trash
2. Residential Recycle
3. Residential Yard Waste
What goals are we not meeting as a team MTD on our PM Board?
AHT, BC accuracy and Quote to Call
A customer calls in, " There is an increase on my invoice, I didn't get a notice!" Name the next 2 steps you would take using your tools.
1.Use ECIR, apologize.
2. Explain the rate increase.