VOCABULARY- Types of holiday
GRAMMAR- Narrative tenses
VOCABULARY- Travel and transport
GRAMMAR- Used to and Would

What type of holiday would you recommend for people who prefer more action?

Adventure holiday


True or false?

We use Past continuous to talk about a sequence of actions in the past. 

And the key words are: Often, every week...



What do we call a small room in a ship or boat where a passenger sleeps; The of a plane where the passengers sit.



Do we use used to or would to talk about past habits that do not happen now.

Used to


She's going on __ to help build a school in India.

Working holiday


Choose the correct sentence

a. It was eight o'clock. The sun was setting and the people enjoyed the warm evening air.

b. It was eight o'clock. The sun set and the people enjoyed the warm evening air.



How do we call it?



Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to or would?

I ____ like seafood but I eat it all the time now.

Didn't use to


True or false? Why?

City break holiday is where you visit the views of a city.


City break holiday is a short holiday in a city.


Correct the sentence.

The driver stopped the bus and had opened a map. Someone asked him if he was lost.

The driver had stopped the bus and opened a map. Someone asked him if he was lost.


Which word doesn't belong here? Why? : 

Carriage, buffet car, luggage track, voyage. 

Voyage because all word are connected to train, but voyage is a long journey by sea. 


Use the correct form of used to or would?

Fiona has four pairs of sunglasses.

Fiona used to have four pairs of sunglasses.


What do we call this type of holiday?

 We had some days off, so we went for a ride by bikes, then came back home, dressed up and went to have dinner at restaurant.

Staycation holiday


Choose the option has similar meaning to the first sentence.

I'd learned a lot of Cantonese when a left Hong Kong.

a. I learned Cantonese when I was in Hong Kong.

b. I learned a lot of Cantonese after I left Hong Kong.
c. When I left Hong Kong I was learning Cantonese.

a. I learned Cantonese when I was in Hong Kong.


Match verbs to nouns. Two nouns don't fit:

1.Take part in

2. Get off 

3. escape

a. guided tours

b. the sights

c. the beaten track 

d. the crowds

e. time out

1. Take part in guided tours. 2. Get off the beaten track. 3. Escape the crowds. 


Choose two correct answers.

I remember that when I was in 8th grade there was a bully in my class who _______ on me.

  • a. always used to 
  • b. had always picked
  • c. would always 
  • d. used always to pick


a. c.


People choose a particular type of holidays for different reasons. A _____ is for those who prefer to have everything organized and payed for before they leave. Those who book ___ want to be taken in comfortable bus to visit a number of different places. Also couples who have just got married can have two weeks to enjoy their ___. 

1. package holiday 2. coach tour 3. honeymoon


We thought that we were on the right path when suddenly we 1. ______(run into) a very familiar rock and 2. ______  (realise) that we 3. _____  (walk) in circles for quite a long time. We 4. _____  (be) totally lost, and the fact that we 5. _____  (already/finish) our water provisions wasn't very promising.

1. ran into 2. realised  3. had been walking 4. were  5. had already finished


There was no left on a ______ when the train left the station. There were a lot of passengers without seats, and some of them were standing in the _____ of our _____. We put our bags in the ______ and I went to the  ______ to get some sandwiches. 

1. Platform. 2. Aisle 3. Carriage. 4. Luggage. 5. Buffet car


When I was a child we 1. ___  (live) in a cabin in the mountains. Back then, we 2. ___  (not have) much money; that’s why we 3. ___  (have) vegetables and chickens in our back garden. Every day we 4. ___  (get up) very early and my father 5. ___  (take) some eggs for breakfast.

1. used to live  2. didn't use to have 3. used to have 4. would get up  5. would take