Encounter the Phenomenon(s)/Stem Careers
Benefits of Biodiversity
Maintaining Biodiversity

Which invasive species was introduced to the US as an ornamental vine, food for livestock, and used as a way to control erosion?



How to calculate the biodiversity index?

(# of species) over (# of individuals)


What is an invasive species?

An organism that is introduced into an ecosystem, either by accident or on purpose, that spreads on its own and outcompetes native species for resources, such as space, food, light, and nutrients


What is biodiversity?

The number and variety of organisms found in a specific region, such as a small pond, a grassy field, a desert, or all of Earth is known as biodiversity.


What are the names of Mrs. K's dog's, husband, and two children?

Leila, Justin, Hunter, and Cora


Which invasive plant species is a long, tall, and hardy plant that was used as a medicinal herb to treat digestive problems and started growing in wetlands across the US?

Purple Loosestrife


Earth has how many major land biomes and what are they?

7 - taiga, temperate rain forest, tropical rain forest, deserts, grassland, tundra, temperate deciduous forest


The different threats to biodiversity in the book are all a result of...?

human activities


What is a biome?

A geographic area on Earth that contains ecosystems with similar biotic and abiotic features.


What is the name of Ms Robin's old school?

Rancho Viejo Montessori School


How do scientists help protect coral reefs?

Scientists and conservation groups are working together to help protect coral reefs and areas that surround them. Marine ecologists are investigating how these marine reserves work. 

Can work with local governments to limit damage to reef ecosystems. ( creating marine reserves, prevent over fishing, reduce runoff from farms and factories)


What are the three types of biodiversity?

Genetic; the variety of genes/inherited traits

Species; the variety of species

Ecosystem; the variety of ecosystems in the biosphere


Name three threats to biodiversity.

Habitat Destruction, Overexploitation, Climate Change.


Compare and Contrast: Reforestation and Reclamation

Reforestation involves planting trees to replace trees that have been cut or burned down. Reclamation refers to the process of restoring land disturbed by mining. Both restore land that was damaged by human activities.


How many school years has Ms. Tabin been at LePort. (counting this year)



What is the name of the scientists who study plants through geological history? They look at seeds and fossils to identify plants. They also study petroglyphs (rock art), study drawings done by first explorers.



Name 4 biomes and say if they have a high or low biodiversity.

Deserts; Medium

Grasslands; Medium

Tropical Rainforest; very high

Temperate Rainforest; high

Temperate Deciduous Forests; high

Taiga; high

Tundra; Medium 

Wetlands; High

Estuaries: Very high

Bodies of Water; Medium

Coral Reefs: Very high


Name three main methods, or technologies, that are used to control invasive species.

Mechanical controls, chemical controls, and biological controls.


Is dynamic equilibrium and resilience closely related things? Explain.

Yes. Dynamic equilibrium is a stable ecosystem. Resilience is the ability of an ecosystem to maintain dynamic equilibrium even with significant outside disturbances.


This was started in 1972. It aimed to prevent our bodies of water to get any worse. It prevented people from dumping toxic pollutants and pollution into these bodies of water.

Clean Water Act


They are people who work to protect various wetland ecosystems, such as swamps, bogs, and marshes. Wetlands are valuable ecosystems because they are diverse and provide ecosystem services that are unique to wetlands.

wetland conservationist


What are the five ways of calculating biodiversity?

Transect Sampling; using a transect line to guide counting

Mist Netting; using mist nets to humanely capture animals

Aerial Photos; using drones to take photos from the sky

Surveys; asking people about different species

Quadrat Sampling; using a quadrat to count species


What are three solutions for protecting biodiversity?

Habitat Restoration and Conservation, Controlling Invasive Species, Cleaning Up and Reducing Pollution, Sustaining Populations, Reducing Climate Change Impact


What are ecosystem services and what are the four types of it?

The benefits experiences by organisms, including humans, which are provided by healthy ecosystems; Supporting Services, Provisioning Services, Regulating Services, Cultural Services

What is the name of this unit?

Biodiversity in Ecosystems