Math 1
Math 2
How many ELA instructional shifts are there?
According to ELA Shift 1, students should read a balance of informational and literary texts. What percentage of informational and literary texts should Kindergarten-4th grade read?
50% Informational and 50% Literary texts
How many instructional shifts are there for mathematics?
True or False: According to Shift 4, teachers should teach students how to get the answer.
False. Shift 4 states that students should have a solid conceptual understanding. According to this shift, teachers should support students' ability to access concepts from a number of perspectives.
"How can I use this problem to teach the mathematics of this unit?"
What is AFTER. Before the shifts, we would ask, "How can I teach my kids to get the answer to this problem?" Getting the answer vs. Conceptual understanding
What is Shift 1?
Balancing Information and Literary Texts
According to Shift 1, what percentage of informational texts should students in grades 3-5 read?
50% of the texts read by students in grades 3-5 should be informational.
True or False: Teachers should spend less time on each standard so that they can teach all standards throughout the year. "Mile wide, inch deep"
False. Teachers should narrow and deepen the scope of how time and energy is spent in the math classroom.They do so in order to focus deeply on only the concepts that are prioritized in the standards so that students reach strong foundational knowledge and deep conceptual understanding. -Teach less, learn more. -Less topic coverage has been associated with higher scores on the topics covered because students have more time to master the content that is taught.
True of False. It's most important for students to memorize the steps to solve a math problem.
False. This shift, Application, answers the question, "Why we learn math?" and can be used before, during, and after an instructional unit. Teachers should provide students with real world experiences and opportunities to apply what they have learned.
234= _____ hundreds, _____ tens, ____ ones
What is BEFORE. This example does not elicit conceptual understanding. A better question would be: 234= ___ hundreds, ___ tens, ___ones 234= ___ tens, ____ ones 234= ___ ones (Base ten units are bundled in different ways, which is helpful in subtracting with borrowing.)
What are the grade levels involved in Shift 1?
PreK through Fifth Grade
According to Shift 3, teachers should be patient and create more time and space and support in the curriculum for close reading. What is the focus of this shift?
Text Complexity
According to Shift 2, Coherence, teachers can connect learning within and _________ grade levels.
across -Vertical Progression. Students should not be re-learning standards, instead they should be building new understandings and extending their previous learning.
According to Shift 6, Dual Intensity, students are making sense of mathematics through ________ and _________.
practicing and understanding. Students should practice math skills with an intensity that results in fluency and practice math concepts with an intensity that forces application in new situations.
Describe the problem in the text and how it is solved. Use information from the passage/article to support your answer.
According to Shift 6, Academic Vocabulary, how many tiers of words are there?
3 Tiers
What kind of conversations does Shift 4 state should take place in the classroom?
Evidence-based conversations about text
Shift 3 focuses on Fluency. According to the required fluencies in K-6, third-grade students should be able to multiply and divide within _______. (Knowing single-digit products by memory.
What is 100.
True or False: Second-grade students should be able to add and subtract within 100.
True. (With paper and pencils)
Can you name three healthy foods?
BEFORE. An example of a text-based question: What reasons does the author give as to why it is important to eat healthy foods?
According to Shift 2, what are students are expected to learn through?
Students are expected to learn through what they have read.
Shift 5, Writing from Sources, requires a departure from what type of writing?
What does fluent mean?
fast and accurate
What are the key areas of focus for instruction for grades K-2?
Addition and subtraction (concepts, skills, problem solving, and place value). Grades 3-5: Multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions (concepts, skills, and problem-solving) 6th Grade: Ratios and proportional reasoning; early expressions and equations
Part A: What does the word “dreadful” mean in paragraph 9 of Scene 1? A. sad B. scary C. horrible D. embarrassing Part B: Which words from paragraph 9 of Scene 1 best helps the reader understand the meaning of “dreadful”? A. “Oh dear!” B. “evil-smelling” C. “little cottage” D. “go, and be quick.”