The insurance payment called?
what is the premium
This insurance pays for the house to be repaired
What is dwelling
You can stay on your parents insurance until this age
what is 26
The life insurance that is only for a set period of time.
what is term life insurance
If you want a lower premium you should share the _____
The coverage that pays when you cause damage to others
What is Liability
This part of your homeowners policy will pay for someone that is injured on your property
What is liability
Name a type of government issued insurance
Medicare or Medicaid
The person that will receive the money when you die.
What is beneficiary
This insurance replaces part of your income if you become disabled
what is disability
The coverage that covers your car in an accident
What is collision
This part of your policy will cover your belongings in the house
What is personal property
HDHP is a health plan that has a high ______ to keep premiums lower
The insurance that is "permanent" and includes a cash value
What is whole life
Long term disability has a waiting period where you do not get paid. This is called the _____ period
what is the elimination period
The three things police will ask for that you should have in the car
What is insurance card, registration, drivers license
This type of insurance covers only personal property and not the dwelling
What is renters
the money paid each paycheck you can use toward medical. There are tax advantages to this.
Dave Ramsey says you should buy term insurance which is cheaper then do this with the difference
What is invest
Long term care insurance is also called this
what is nursing care
This insurance covers your car when you are a victim of a hit and run!
What is uninsured motorist
Regular homeowner policies do NOT cover this type of damage. You need special insurance for this.
Flood or Earthquake
The money you pay for a medical appointment.
You cant insure someone else's life because you don't have this
What is insurable interest
If you get this type of insurance it should include restoration coverage not just flag your credit report
what is identity theft insurance