Insurance transfers this from you to the insurance company.
What is risk?
the failure to take ordinary reasonable care to prevent accidents from happening.
This part of a homeowner's insurance policy covers the structure of the house.
What is dwelling coverage?
Life insurance replaces this when you die.
What is your income?
Health insurance is necessary for these people.
Who is everyone?
This kind of insurance replaces a person's lost income for years, even up to his retirement.
What is long-term disability insurance?
This part of auto insurance covers loss or damage caused by something other than a collision.
What is comprehensive coverage?
What is property loss or damage due to fire, theft, vandalism, etc.?
So that the insurance company will pay for various damages or expenses, the insured person pays this each month.
What is a premium?
Because of the Affordable Care Act, a child can remain on his parents' health insurance until this age.
What is 26 years old?
When determining premiums, an insurance company looks at these details of your life to determine the risk you pose.
What are life expectancy, weight, age, hobbies, habits like smoking, etc.?
insurance that covers physical injuries caused by a vehicle accident for which the insured is responsible.
Bodily injury liability
This coverage pays for costs incurred when you are unable to live in your home due to damage.
What is loss of use coverage?
This kind of "insurance" helps you if someone steals your personal information.
What is identity theft protection?
Medicaid and Medicare are examples of these.
What are government programs for public health insurance?
This kind of insurance replaces your income when you are unable to perform the job you were educated to perform.
What is own occupation disability insurance?
The amount of money an insurance agrees to pay for an incident is called this.
What is coverage?
Homeowner's insurance premiums are higher in locations susceptible to these events.
What are natural disasters (e.g., floods, hurricanes, tornadoes)?
Healthy, young people should get a health insurance plan with these features.
What are high deductibles and low premiums?
People who rely on you financially are legally referred to as these.
What are dependents?
Insurance pairs up with this part of your financial plan to compose your defensive strategy. Insurance does not make you rich.
What is an emergency fund?
This type of insurance pays for the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers of the policyholder's car.
What is personal injury protection?
What are things outside the coverage of your other policies?
This kind of life insurance does not accumulate cash value
This is a length of time after your premium is due during which your coverage will not be automatically cancelled if you forgot to pay.
What is a grace period?