Talk Paths

What do you do if the Named Insured's Spouse is a NON Driver?

List them on the policy still as the spouse, and click the reason for non driver drop down and put the reason. (FYI: Some situations will require proof)


What key information do you need to get when binding a home through escrow?

Mortgagee Clause (address to send invoice to) and loan number. 

Whats the Early Signing Discount and how do you get it?

-Given to you for being responsible and starting insurance before you need it and not waiting until the last minute. 

-Having the policy start 7 days or more in the future (from the day of clicking bind)


Open the call

"Hey (customer first name)?"

Hi this is ___ with Allstate! The reason for my call is...."

"Who are you currently insured with?"


A prospect calls in for an auto insurance quote. They have 1 vehicle and want liability only. The vehicle is used to drive to and from work and has a salvaged title. The title is in the name of the insured. Can we write it?

No. We can not write a policy on a salvaged vehicle... even if were only writing liability.


Explain: Auto Replacement Coverage 

If the vehicle is totaled - that vehicle will be paid what that vehicle would be worth if it were a year newer and had 20k less miles on it.


What is Roof Surfaces Extended Coverage?

Insures your roof at replacement cost instead of only ACV. You qualify if your roof is 15 years or younger (and in good condition still).


What limits do you need to have on your auto and home to qualify for a PUP?

Auto Liability: 250/500 or greater

Home Liability: $300,000 or greater


Find the customers "WHY"

Aka: What's going to sell them

Variation of:

"When it comes to your insurance, what's the most important part to you?"


A mother and son are on a policy together. The son lives in a dorm at Ohio State and comes home to Hudson, OH during breaks and in the summer. His name is on his vehicle, and his mother has cosigned for him. His car is with him at Ohio State. Can he be on his mothers policy or should he have his own? 

He may be on his mothers policy still because her name is also on the title of the vehicle, even if he is away at college and so is the vehicle.


What is the difference between the Enhanced Package and the Gold Package?

-5% check back of premium if you have had no accidents 

-Multiple Accident forgiveness instead of just one


A Home is insured for $300,000. 

The families deductible is at 2%. 

They need to file a claim for $15,000 in damages. 

How much does the insured pay out of pocket?


*Regardless of the claim amount, with % deductibles - the deductible is always the percentage of their total dwelling coverage. 2% of 300k is 6000*


Handle The Objection: That's more than I am paying right now..

I understand. But 1 thing i want to point out is that we have established that you are currently underinsured. So with the policy we built, is is going to be a little more to cover you and your family for the protection you actually need. When you call me for a claim... you aren't going to ask me how much you saved by having less coverage.. you're going to ask me if its properly protected. And I am going to be able to say yes. 


Close me

*some variation of telling prices and ask for the sale*

"So your auto insurance is only $__ a month and your renters is only $__ a month.

To get this started, I just need to set up your monthly payments. Who do you currently bank with?"


You insure a customer with a line 10 auto policy. Four months later, he misses a payment. We are unable to get ahold of the customer and he misses another payment as well- resulting in cancelation. 

The day after the policy is canceled he calls in to make the missed payments. Can we reinstate or rewrite the policy? Explain why or why not.

No. We would not be able to reinstate or rewrite the policy with Allstate. He would now have a gap in his insurance. Without 6 months of prior insurance with NO gaps, he would be ineligible with ALLSTATE. 

**Bonus 100 points if you said we can write through National General**


Ride for Hire Endorsement: Who is covered and who is NOT covered? 

Anyone transporting other people for a company such as Uber, or Lyft can add this to ensure they are covered during the ride. People transporting food, such as pizza delivery, Door Dash, Uber eats, ect are NOT covered with this endorsement.


What is water backup coverage? 

An additional coverage added to cover damage due to a malfunctioning sump pump OR drain. (including shower drain, toilet drains, ect) 

Covers the cost to clean up AND any property damaged (up to limit chosen).


On a landlords policy, if the home is built BEFORE (year) is must be written as ACV and not Replacement Cost. 

What is the year?



Qualify The Customer

*Variation of asking questions to see if the policy needs to be with Allstate or somewhere else*"So let me just ask a few quick questions to make sure you qualify and im not wasting your time. 

1. How long have you been with your current company?

2. Have you had any gaps in your insurance in the past 6 months?

3. Are all vehicles titled to you or your spouses name?


Janes calls in to get renters insurance for her father, (who is with her and able to agree to the quote). Her father, Bob, lives in a nursing home. He wants to make sure his belongings are covered if something happened. How do you insure this?

Unfortunately, you can not insure this risk with Allstate. Renters policies are not allowed on nursing homes. 


What do you do if the expiration date of a persons policy is before the effective date needed to get the early signing discount?

Make sure their other policy would be renewing, declare the insurance in the CCDB, and get proof of the renewing policy. 


What are the 3 main reasons someone may lose their home? 

Which is the most common?

3. wind

2. fire

1. Death of a spouse *most common*

(the loss of the home is due to loss of their spouses income, or loss of the ability of the spouse to watch the children, resulting in the extra expense of childcare) 


What is Gina's Birthday?! (month and day)

November 15th!!  


YES Momentum (Do it)

So do you understand everything we went over?

And do you understand WHY we raised your coverages? 

And did I answer all of your questions? 

*any variation of 3 questions before asking the sale to get them to answer, YES, YES, YES!!*


You are quoting a prospect on their home and auto insurance. They also want a PUP to have more liability coverage. The insured has asbestos siding on their home and does not qualify for Allstate homeowners.. so we must write the risk through American Modern. Can you still write the PUP - why or why not?


All lines must be through ALLSTATE to qualify for an AS PUP. 

*FYI: You can write the pup through one of our Ivantage companies, such as Griffin or Burns and Wilcox.*