Pre Cred - Step 2
Step 3
Step 5
Step 5-6
Step 7-8

Patriot act search is also known as?

Bridger search


What are the fields we need to check in Advo result

Match address

Property type

If location is maildrop


If the cellphone number does not verify to applicant, what are the next options that we can use for verification?

Cellphone bill


  Common signs of tampering (4)

correction fluid

cut / paste

varying font / font size

use of stock certificates with altered text


Requirements of an email address

  • The Email must contain the company’s name or acronym in the Email address. 
  • The Email must include the contact’s name or a portion of the contact’s name. 
  • The Email must be included on the application

For Bridger search, hits returned for the ______ or ______ are exceptions

FARA (Foreign Agent Registration Act) or PEP (Politically Exposed Persons)

Other tools we use to verify if location is mail-drop

USPS and Local Google


if phone type is possible DA and cannot be tie up  to customer in 3rd party search, what is the next step?

Request phone bill


if P&C license is under a name variation of the contact, what are the two steps that you need to complete?

get person report from AML / LexisAdvance and check if the name listed on the P&C License is a name variation

add name variation as alias in ECT


If exhibit C and 145 has discrepancy, what are we going to do?

Email AI and ask if we can proceed with discrepancy they need to resubmit


Tools that we use to verify land usage

AML / LexisAdvance

County property search

Lease agreement 


If customer provided VOIP bill, what is the next step that we are going to do?

You must make the contact call with no red flags during the call


if the applicant says the company name in the fax header is another company they own, what is the next step?

conduct research and verify that both companies have same ownership