When you are scheduled for OUTBOUND calls, and Five9 connects you to a clients VOICEMAIL, what would your disposition be?
P- Answering Machine Intake
Does Premier Mail Out FCQ's?
Premier emails to the claimant
Fax the FCQ to the doctor
When a 'Sign Up Package' is triggered, do you automatically select 'Mail Out'?
Your metrics include E-Signs!
What is the Intake Status that tells you you need to send the claimant an E-Sign?
"Sign Up Package"
What is your Ready Code when you are going on your 15 minute break?
15 Minute Break
P- FCQ Sent
If a claimant needs a new FCQ sent, who do you ask?
A supervisor.
What type of information is required in order to send an E-Sign?
Valid Email
Valid Phone Number
What information do you need to obtain after you notice the "Sign Up Package"
Emergency Contact
Security Questions (SSA Requires this for filing)
What is your Ready Code you will use when you go to lunch?
What is the disposition you will use when a client hangs up the phone?
Pick Up Hang Up
What does FCQ stand for?
Functional Capacity Questionnaire
Do you have to walk the claimant through the E-Sign process?
When do you select the 'Sign Up Type"?
AFTER you obtain the Social Security Number
What is your Ready Code if you ever need any training with Jada?
When the client qualifies and you were successful in helping the client through the E-Sign, what disposition would you choose?
P- Prospect Agrees
Does every 'Disqualified' status send a FCQ?
There are DQ status's that we will not send a FCQ for.
Are there certain situations where a claimant can be automatically qualifies for a 'Sign Up Package'
1.Cancer currently being treated with an oncologist
2.Claimant uses oxygen tank, narcotic pain medications, cane, walker or wheelchair.
3. Claimant had a stroke in the last year and HAS NOT returned to work
Should you walk the claimant through the E-Sign?
BE Patient
What is your Ready Code if you experience Technical Difficulties?
Technical Difficulties
What is the disposition you would use if the client requests we call them back at on a certain day and time?
P- Call Back
What happens if a claimant does not have a valid email or doesn't know their doctors fax number?
Premier will close the claimants file in 7 days if the claimant has not informed Premier on where to send the FCQ.
If the 'Notes' section of the intake says 'Supportive FCQ', do you select the 'Sign Up Type' before playing the 'Case Accept' Recording?
Which type of representation forms do you WANT to send to the client?
What is the Ready Code for when you are ready to take or make calls?
Ready for...
UNCHECK voicemail