Adding Integers
What is -110
What does |a| tell you?
What is "the distance a is from zero" or absolute value
What is 32
the opposite of -17
What is 17
What is -29
What is 3
-15 x (-7)
What is 105?
What is "-91"
What is 24
(-1) x (-1) x (-487)
What is -487?
7 / 0
What is undefined/error
put in order from least to greatest
-6, 7, -12, 0, -1, -11, 2
What is -12, -11, -6, -1, 0, 2, 7
What is 9
What is -8
-2 x 6 x (-3) x -2
What is -72
(-560) / (-7)
What is 80