Adding Integers
What is -22
What is 132
What does |a| tell you?
What is "the distance a is from zero"
-7 - 4=
What is -11
What is -32
(-14)+ 9
What is -5
Write as addition: -7 - 10=
What is -7+(-10)
What is 60
How do you add integers with the same signs?
What is add them and keep the sign
Write as addition: 12 - (-19)
What is 12 + (19)
The product of a negative and a positive number is......
What is "negative"
How do you add integers with different signs?
What is subtract the #s and keep the sign of the larger
Complete the statement: Subtraction is the same as adding...
What is the opposite
What is the negative
What does quotient mean?
What is "the answer to a division question"