Adding integers
Subtracting integers
Multiplying integers
Integers word problems

What does -3+-7 equal?

—3 + -7 is equal to -10;


What does -3 - 3 Equal?

-3 - 3 is equal to -6.


Shelly owed -34 dollars to the bank. She then saw a beautiful dress for 56 dollars. She decided to buy the dress. How much money does she owe now?

Shelly now owes 88 dollars to the bank.


What is the sum of -54+-38?

The sum of -54+-38 is equal to -98.


what does -76 - 43 equal?

-76 - 43 is equal to -119


Lisa was making soup for her family. When she started making soup the temperature was 67 degrees. When she finished the soup was 78 degrees.  How much did the temperature rise.

The temperature raised 11 degrees.


Judy has -10 dollars in her bank account. One day, she sees a pretty bracelet on the shelf for 5 dollar. She decides to buy it. How much money is in her bank account now?

 Judy now has -15 dollars in her bank account.


If Mary had 21 dollars and I bought something for 11 dollars how many dollars does she have now?

Mary has 10 dollars now.


When Marcy was going to bed the temperature outside was 36 degrees.  In the morning it dropped to -7 degrees. How much did the temperature drop overnight?

The temperature dropped 43 degrees overnight.


If I subtract 3 - (-5) and I got -8 would I be correct.

The correct answer is 8. 

When Bella was going shopping she found a bag for 39 dollars. Then when she went to a different store she saw a belt for 53 dollars. She bought both of the things, how much was her total? 

The total for Bella was 92 dollars. 


What is 43-(-75)?

43-(-75) is equal to 118.


Bethany was going camping when she saw a lake. She was 5 feet above the lake. She die died to jump into the lake and went 4 feet down. How far did she jump?

She jumped 9 feet down.