Solve. The temperature at 6 a.m. was -12 degrees F. By 10 a.m., it had risen 5 degree. By 10 p.m., the temperature had dropped 3 degree. What was the temperature at 10 p.m.?
What is -10 degree F?
-7 + 3 =
What is -4?
7 - 11 =
What is -4?
What are the opposites of these integers? +14, -6, +22
What is -14, +6, -22?
Integers less than 0
What is negative integers?
Double Jeopardy Solve. A scuba diver descended to 14 feet below sea level. She then ascended 4 feet and swam 10 feet ahead. She then descended 6 feet. At what depth is she now?
What is 16 feet below sea level, or -16 feet?
-2 + 6 =
What is 4?
-6 - (-8) =
What is 2?
Compare. <, >, or = -10 ___ -11
What is > (greater than)
Integers greater than 0
What is positive intergers?
Solve. Starting on their own 40-yard line, the Tigers gained 5 yards on their first play. Then they lost 15 yards in a penalty. What yard line are they on now?
What is their 30-yard line?
-37 + 24 =
What is -13?
4 - 6 =
What is -2?
Double Jeopardy
|-5| + |3| - |-2|
What is 6?
integers that are the same distance from 0 on a number line, but is opposite directions
What are opposites?
Solve. A treasure hunter started exploring at -50 ft from the water's surface and then went down to -85 ft. Which of the following describes the treasure hunter's change in depth?
What is -35 ft?
x + 4 = -4
What is x = -8?
-41 - 18 =
What is -59?
Order from greatest to least -1565, -1556, -1576, -1542
What is -1542, -1556, -1565, -1576?
an integer's distance from 0 on a number line
What is absolute value?
Solve. Two explorers start a hike in a valley 12 feet below sea level. When they finish their hike they are at 22 feet above sea level. What is the difference between the two elevations?
What is 34 ft?
x + -6 = -1
What is x = 5?
51 - (-23) =
What is 74?
Name an integer to represent each situation. A profit of $300. A loss of 20 yards.
What is +300 and -20?
How do you undo addition
What is use subtraction or the Additive Inverse?