The distance between a number and zero on a number line.
Absolute value
Least to greatest: 5, −7, 6, −2, 0
-7, -2, 0, 5, 6
The sun was out and the temperature rose 20 degrees
20 degrees
-77 ___ |71|
-77 < |71|
The set of whole numbers and their opposites
Greatest to least: −3, 5, 9, −8, 1
9, 5, 1, -3, -8
Joe lives in a city that is 13,000 feet below sea level
-13,000 feet
|-80| ___ |-63|
|-80| > |-63|
True or False: The absolute value of integer is NEVER negative.
Least to greatest |35|, −117, 70, |−171|, −99
-117, -99, |35|, 70, |-171|
George took a pay cut of 10,000 dollars
-|-21| ____ 75
-|-21| < 75
True or false: The absolute value of an integer is ALWAYS positive.
Least to greatest: |7|, 0, |-3|, 9, -9, -1
-9, -1, 0, |-3|, |7|, 9
l45+ 12l
The football player had a 13 yard loss on the play
-13 yards
195 ____ |-43|
195 > |-43|
What is another word for "additive inverse"?
Least to greatest: |-456|, -23, 0, 1, 766, -|-86|, 45, 16
-|-86|, -23, 0, 1, 16, 45, l-456l, 766
|-15+ 10|
Bob tipped the waitress $15.00 for great service
-|39| ___ -49
-|39| > -49