Numbers that are greater than zero
Positive Numbers
Least to Greatest: 5, −7, 6, −2, 0, -8
-8, -7, -2, 0, 5, 6
The sun was out and the temperature rose 10 degrees
-39 ___ -49
> Greater than
Numbers that are less than zero
Negative numbers
Greatest to Least: −3, 5, 9, −8, 1, 27, -15
27, 9, 5, 1, -3, -8, -15
l45+ 12l
Joe lives in a city that is 18,000 feet below sea level
-18,000 feet
-5 ___ -1/3
< Less than
The set of whole numbers and their opposites
Least to Greatest l-35l, −117, 69, l−171l, −99
-117, -99, l-35l, 69, l-171l
Absolute value of -99
George took a pay cut of 12,000 dollars
|-80| ____ |-63|
> Greater than
The number of units or spaces away a number is from zero (also known as the magnitude of a number)
Absolute value
Greatest to Least: l-16l, -16, 0, l-3l, 15, -9, -1
l-16l, 15, l-3l, 0, -1, -9, -16
Absolute value of 15 + 100 - 2
The football player had a 11 yard loss on the play
43 ____ |-43|
= Equal to
The inverse of a number.
Increasing order: l-456l, -23, 0, 1, 766, l-86l, 45, 16
-23, 0, 1, 16, 45, l-86l, l-456l, 766
Why is absolute value always positive?
Absolute value is a measure of distance. Distance can never be negative.
Bob received a credit of $15.00 to his bank account.
-77 ___ |71+6|
< Less than