You lose a $5 bill while out walking.
What is -5
Name the absolute value of l 5 l
What is 5
-5 + (-3)
What is -8
Add 4 + (-4)
What is 0
Find 5 - 2
What is 3
You earn $15 for mowing the neighbor's lawn.
What is 15 or +15
Name the absolute value of
[ -1/2 ]
What is 1/2
Add -4 + (-10)
What is -14
Add 9 + (-6)
What is 3
Find 4 - (-1)
What is 5
A football team advances 10 yards.
What is 10 or +10
Find the opposite of 25
What is -25
Add -10 + (-8)
What is -18
What is 0
Find 0 - 20
What is -20
The wind chill is 35 degrees below zero. What number represents this scenario.
What is -35
Find the opposite of - 10
What is 10
Add 6 + 4
What is 10
Add -18 + 1
What is -17
Find -2 - (-3)
What is 1
A skydiver descends 50 feet.
Find the opposite of
What is 1/2
Add -2 + (-2)+ (-2)
What is -6
Add 8 + 2 + (-2)
What is 8
Find -8 - (-10)
What is 2