How many Activation Periods are there this year according to the new planning approach?
How many print kits delivered to the field are we working towards per year?
What is the expected response time for a project manager on communication?
Within 24 hours
What are examples of a Program Team?
Loyalty, Gift Cards, F&B Marketing, Brand Marketing, Theatre Marketing, Partnership
What types of Creative request include a Kick Off?
Level 1 and 2 requests
How many creative themes are there per Activation Period?
What type of creative requests will likely not be included in a print kit?
Studio Partnership support
Merch, LTO, anything with specific film support
What is the proper naming convention for a new project once converted?
Ex: 2025 06 June Loyalty Trailer
What are examples of a Business Unit?
Food & Beverage
Human Resources
What level of Creative Request includes Paid Media?
Level 1
What months have a sub period within the Activation Period?
January and August
Who is responsible for the making sure the project number is included on the Print Order?
Project Manager
A project comes in for queue line signage to be delivered to the CSC and Warehouse. Will this request be included in the monthly Print Kit?
No. Only print going to the theatres will go in the Print Kit.
Who is responsible for coordinating with the print vendor in the print kit process?
Content Producer
How many weeks is the project timing for level 3 print creative requests?
16 Weeks
What two themes is CNK showcasing this year?
Summer and Holiday
What happens if a creative request involving printed items comes in after the lock date for that monthly period?
The assets will need to revert to digital or go into the next month's kit.
How often is the Vertical report supposed to be sent out to your Creative and Marketing teams?
Every week by 1PM on Friday
Who must approve all print plans before a project is request?
How many weeks out is a level 4 static request?
7 weeks
Who determines if/when the theme is applied?
What is the print lock date for August?
Week of April 14 or week of April 28
What report is to be used when generating your OOO doc?
My Work Items: ALL
Who confirms print materials are correct on the Print Order?
Project Manager
Who confirms what the project level is for the request submitted?
Project Manager includes the level in the project plan.