Data Literacy

This is the first part of a CER, it is a single sentence statement responding to the research question

What is the claim


This data display is a ________ graph

What is a bar graph


This refers to a circuit that is connected and the light is on

What is a closed circuit


In a generator, in order for energy to transfer and move in a wire what must be happening

What is the magnets must be spinning


This part of the CER recites specific values from multiple sources of data such as facts, figures, and graphs

What is evidence


According to this data, beaks are larger in years where the climate is ________. 

What is a dry climate


This term describes the need or want of some resource--like how much energy we need or how much water we need

What is demand


What part of a CER is the following statement an example of:

"Jellyfish populations have increased in numbers over the last 50 years."

What is the claim


This part of the CER is where you explain using science vocabulary and concepts--the why and the how. 

What is the reasoning


These types of data display show changes or trends in variables, usually over time. 

What are line graphs


This term describes a switch that buildings have that is triggered to convert a circuit to open when power levels become unsafe.

What is a circuit breaker switch


This term refers to the ability to trust or count on a consistent performance from an energy source

What is relaibility


Which part of a CER is the following statement an example of?

"We see jellyfish populations appear larger in year 2020 compared to previous years. In 1985, jellyfish populations were at least half as large as they are now."

What is evidence


If the distance between swabs was 25 cm, what would we expect the distance of the ring from HCl swab to be?

What is ~10 cm. Accept any number between 8.1 and 12.2


This term refers change in the pathway of electricity when a new route has developed (from a fallen tree or something else) where ALL the energy will take that path...usually results in a larger scale power outage instead of just a couple houses.

What is a short circuit


If we developed a model of how matter and energy are being changed (like we have been), what components would be added OUTSIDE of the model boundary?

What are coal, water, wires/transmission lines.


Which part of the CER is the following statement an example of: 

"Jellyfish populations are increasing because they are more resistant to changes in the ocean as a result of climate change. They can withstand little to no oxygen, a range of heat, and live on almost no food since they are mostly made of water."

What is reasoning


These graphs are typically used to show the relationship between two variables

What are scatter plots


This term is used to describe the ability of a power plant to increase or decrease the supply of power in a short period of time based on demand

What is dispatchability or dispatchable


This type of data display shows actual values, numbers, data

What are tables