What Are They?
NCCAM Classifications
Conventional, Alternative & Integrative Factors
Nutrition,Supplements, Plants
True or False: Integrative health practices are becoming less popular.
What is false.
The healing matrix and the NCCAM classifications
What are the two systems that can be used to help define and classify alternative and complementary therapies
What is the main focus of conventional medicine?
What is the physical body
Out of 250,000-500,000 plants, only this many have been studied for pharmacological properties?
What is 5,000?
A good question to ask about integrative practices
(too many to list)
Two adjectives that begin with the letter "i" and describe integrative health practices are?
What is inclusive and individualized.
Physical Manipulation Technologies Ingested or Applied Substances Energy Therapies Mental (Psychic) and Spiritual Therapies
What are the components of the Healing Matrix
How many hours does a DO spend studying / practicing integrative medicine?
300-500 hours
The practice that alternative therapies use where they use large amounts of vitamins to cure diseases.
What is mega vitamin therapy?
The source about effectiveness of integrative methods come from
What is from users and/or integrative healers?
True or false: Nurses being informed on integrative health practices is a matter of patient safety.
What is true.
Integrative Medical Systems Mind-Body Interventions Biologically Based Therapies Manipulative and Body-Based Methods Energy Therapies
What are the five major categories of alternative practices included in the The NCCAM Classification
What are the four 'bodies' that holistic medicine focuses on?
- physical (material) - spiritual - energetic - social
The name of a cultural medicine where a heart shaped leaf or plant can be given to help with heart problems/.
What is doctrine of signature?
Integrative methods are based off what three concepts
What is holism, self-care, and theoretical concepts that come from worldviews different from biomedicine and scientific perspective.
Name three elements that must be taken into account when planning a patients care because they affect patient health.
What are Physical, mental, spiritual, social, and environmental factors.
What is an example of a therapy in the NCCAM Category IV (Manipulated Body-Based Methods)
What is the goal of the multi-body view in the holistic health care approach?
What is lifelong wellness
These two departments, besides the FDA, are allowed to monitor supplements.
What is U.S. Postal Service and Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
The paradox of integrative health practices is this.
What is most nursing knowledge comes from biomedical science, but integrative models have not been scientifically validated or proven safe by science?
Alternative health care practices are most common in those with an income of more than _____ annually?
What is $50,000.
Yoga, meditation, journaling
What are 3 examples of therapies in NCCAM Category II (Mind-Body Interventions) Mind Body Methods
What are 2 of the principles of the Integrative approach?
A partnership between patient and practitioner in the healing process Appropriate use of conventional and alternative methods to facilitate the body’s innate healing response Consideration of all factors that influence health, wellness and disease, including mind, spirit and community as well as body A philosophy that neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies uncritically Recognition that good medicine should be based in good science, be inquiry driven, and be open to new paradigms Use of natural, effective, less-invasive interventions whenever possible Use of the broader concepts of promotion of health and the prevention of illness as well as the treatment of disease Training of practitioners to be models of health and healing, committed to the process of self-exploration and self-development.
The difference between organic and natural foods.
What is organic has a legal definition and CONT
Major concerns related to regulatory standards are?
What is the lack of regulatory standards makes selections of competent integrative practitioners exceedingly difficult. There is a major concern from conventional health-care providers, insurers, and general public because clients could be subject to financial exploitation, ineffective therapies, and psychological or physical abuse.