What are key signs of anaphylaxis after a bee sting?
Swelling of the throat/tongue, difficulty breathing, hypotension, hives, loss of consciousness.
What is the first step in controlling severe external bleeding?
Apply direct pressure
What is the approach for triage primary survey?
Airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure (A,B,C,D,E)
What is another name for shingles?
Herpes zoster
What are the 4 different types of shock?
Hypovolemic, cardiogenic, distributive, obstructive
What is the recommended first-aid step for a bee sting?
Remove the stinger by scraping, wash the area, apply ice, and monitor for an allergic reaction.
Manifestations of sepsis?
Fever, elevated WBC, hypothermia, tachycardia, hypotension, altered mental status.
Emergency physicians, trained nurses, and paramedics
What are common risk factors for basal cell carcinoma?
Excess sun exposure, fair skin, history of sunburns, aging
What position would you put a patient in with hypovolemic shock?
What should a patient avoid doing after a snake bite?
Do NOT apply ice, cut the wound, suck out venom, or use a tourniquet.
What medication is administered first in anaphylactic shock?
What is the ethical theory in disaster management?
What are the hallmark signs of psoriasis?
Red, scaly, well-defined plaques on scalp, elbows, knees.
What nursing care is expected when treating a patient with shock?
Monitor VS, urine output, perfusion, administer IV fluids and medications as prescribed, and provide emotional support.
What is the primary concern after a snake bite?
Venomous envenomation causing tissue damage and systemic effects like hypotension.
What are the steps for preservation of an amputation?
Rinse with sterile saline, wrap in sterile gauze, place in a sealed plastic bag, put bag in ice, transport with patient.
What psychological support is offered for nurses?
Critical incident stress debriefing (CISD), peer support, and mental health services.
What would basal cell carcinoma look like on a patient?
shiny, pearly nodule
What are expected findings for shock?
Hypotension, weak pulse, tachycardia, respiratory distress, decreased urine output.
What is the first thing you assess when determining a patient’s level of alertness?
Level of consciousness (LOC) using AVPU (Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive) or Glasgow Coma Scale.
A patient in hemorrhagic shock needs an immediate transfusion. What type of blood should they receive if their type is unknown?
O negative
In a disaster situation, what color tag would you assign to a patient who is not breathing, even after repositioning the airway?
Black (expectant)
What are the key elements of a skin assessment?
Assessing color, temperature, moisture, texture, turgor (elasticity), lesions, and any abnormalities.
What are some causes for hypovolemic shock?
Hemorrhages, severe dehydration, and trauma.