What are 4 risk factors for developing skin cancer?
UV light exposure, genetic predisposition, skin injury, large number of nevi, previous history of skin CA, age >50, immune suppression.
Medications to stop the itch.
Skin biopsy
An infestation that is not the result of poor hygiene.
Pediculus Humanus Capitis - head lice.
What is a contagious infection commonly found on the hands, face & neck that is associated with poor hygiene?
Medication used to treat inflammation for short-term periods, can raise blood glucose.
How is Scabies diagnosed?
A skin scraping of the top of the skin burrow.
What skin infection is common in diabetic patients, and how can they prevent it?
Cellulitis, proper foot inspection and preventative foot care.
What infection is spread by skin to skin contact and produces itching?
Scabies - implement contact precautions.
Medication that can stop the progression of Herpes Zoster.
Acyclovir-if taken within 24hrs of the first lesion outbreak! Will also treat the infection and decrease severity and length of infection.
How do you apply treatment for impetigo lesions?
Proper treatment of Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 to cure the disease?
There is no cure for Herpes Simplex 1 (oral) or genital (2), it is a lifelong condition. Avoiding contact during outbreaks will decrease the spread to others.
This condition causes silvery plaque formation triggered by stress, skin trauma, infection, or hormonal changes.
Medicated ointment applied thinly from the neck down, repeated in one week to prevent reinfestation of Scabies.
All family members should be treated at the same time!
What are the 3 goals of treatment for Psoriasis?
1. Slow the disease process, 2. Promote healing of current psoriasis lesions, 3. Control the disease cycle by decreasing exacerbations.
1. avoid hot water while bathing (warm), 2. Pat skin dry (do not rub), 3. avoid excessive washing, 4. regular use of emollients (moisturizers).
Herpes Zoster aka Shingles
IV medication infusion for severe cases of Psoriasis, when other forms of treatment have failed.
Name 4 ways to prevent skin cancer.
Wear spf 15 or higher and reapply every 2 hours in sun exposure, avoid highest sun hours (10am-2pm), wear protective clothing/hats, avoid tanning beds or sun lamps, check skin regularly-monthly self exam or yearly by provider.
What are the ABCDE's of mole identification?
A-Asymmetry, B-Border, C-Color, D-Diameter, E-Evolving. Any of these changes noticed in a mole or nevi, call the doctor!