The layer where the sebaceous glands are located.
The Dermis
What degree?
This is the eye muscle
The common name for the phalanges
This bone is S shaped and located in your should area
You find most of the fatty lipids stored in this layer
The subcutaneous Layer
What degree
Third degree
This is the muscle that opens the mouth by depressing the mandible
The digastric muscle
The tarsal bones are located in this part of your foot, otherwise known as this
The ankle
The skull and the thoracic and veterbral column are included in these grouping of the skeletal system
The Axial skeleton
The cells that are responsible for making melanin, or the color and pigmentation of skin, are these cells.
What degree
First degree
Pucker up buttercup, the muscle helps you purse your lips together
The buccinator
The ulna is located on which part of your lower arm?
The lateral side of both the lower arms
The limbs and pelvis bones are part of this skeletal system
Appendicular Skeleton
Your skin has to convert this Vitamin that is essential to making a hormone called Calcitrol that helps with bone growth.
Vitamin D
What degree
Second degree
The temporalis and these muscles combine their efforts to help you chew...
The pterygoids
The big bone of the upper arm is this
The humerus
Otherwise known as your knee caps
The patella
Sebaceous glands secrete oil while the othertype of exocrine gland secretes sweat, which are apocrine glands and this other gland
What is merocrine sweat glands
The main difference between a first degree burn and a second degree burn is the appearance of this
A blister
Both the mylohyoid muscle and the stylohyoid muscle help with movement around this bone, otherwise referred to as your throat
They hyoid bone
This form of articulation of the joints allows you to glide, pivot, turn and can only be done by these type of joints
Synovial Joints
This is a firm tissue but is softer and much more flexible than bone; it is also a connective tissue found in many areas of the body