Stage Names
Treatment Interventions II
Integumentary Diagnoses
Double D-dressings & debridement
Wound Care Potpourri

This pressure ulcer can appear as an intact serum-filled blister

What is a stage II pressure ulcer?


Therapeutic positioning for pressure relief in bed requires turning every

What is every 2 hours?


Lymphedema resulting from breast cancer surgery is classified as

What is secondary lymphedema?


This type of dressing is used to cover a dressing that comes into direct contact with the wound in order to provide additional protection

What is a secondary dressing?


The physical act of handwashing should be completed for this many seconds. 

What is 15-30 seconds?


Using the Marion Method, an arterial ulcer with a wound bed appearance of 60% slough and 40% granulation is classified as

What is a yellow wound?


This type of intervention requires open-cell foam dressing to be placed into the wound to maintain a moist wound environment, control edema, increase localized blood flow, and decrease infectious material

What is NPWT (aka VAC)?


This condition typically occurs with chronic venous insufficiency with s/s varying from scaling, weeping, crusting, hyperpigmentation, lipodermatosclerosis.

What is stasis dermatitis?


The use of maggots to digest and debride necrotic tissue

What is biological debridement?


Dehydration, smoking, and incontinence are considered this type of factor that can contribute to abnormal healing

What are extrinsic factors?


Hard non-pitting edema and presence of skin folds

What is stage III lymphedema?


The intervention that uses 4-15 PSI of pressure with continuous suction of 60-100 mmHg pressure uses this type of debridement

What is mechanical debridement?


This zone of injury is the area of a burn that received the most severe injury with irreversible cell damage

What is the zone of coaguluation?


This type of dressing can be used for non-infected wounds, is flexible with good skin adherence, and usually can be used for 3-7 days.  

What is a hydrocolloid dressing?


A course of pathway that can extend in any direction from a wound resulting in dead space. 

What is tunneling?


An electrical burn that has destroyed all of the dermis, epidermis, and subcutaneous tissue that that is characterized by ischemic and charred appearance is classified as this type of burn based on tissue depth

What is a full thickness burn or 3rd degree burn?


The goal of this intervention is to decrease bacteria in the wound by interrupting the DNA function and is good for colonized wounds, but is not reimbursed well. 

What is UV light therapy?


This condition is a chronic hardening and contraction of the skin and connective tissue

What is scleroderma?


This dressing type cannot absorb large amounts of fluid, but have the advantage of not needing changed for up to 4 days. 

What is a hydrogel?


This acronym is useful in early detection of the most dangerous and leading cause of death of skin cancer. 

What is 

A assymetry

B borders

C color

D diameter (>6 mm)

E evolving 


A Braden score of this indicates high risk for pressure ulcers.

What is 10-12?


This position should be the primary focus in the acute positioning phase for patients who sustained a deep partial thickness, full thickness, or subdermal burn

What is elongation of the flexor surface?


This rare condition is caused by a reaction to certain medications or infection that typically presents with flu-like symptoms which progress & form painful rashes & blisters. 

What is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?


This dressing is coated or saturated with pharmaceutical materials, such as petroleum jelly, oil or water emulsion, hydrogel, iodine, or antimicrobials.

What is an impregnated dressing or impregnated gauze? 


The TBSA affected on a patient who sustains a burn to BLEs front and back, front of his right arm, and anterior trunk.

What is 58.5%?