Protestant Reformation
Scientific Revolution

This term means “rebirth” and refers to the revival of classical art and learning during this period.

What is the Renaissance?


The religious movement started by Martin Luther and others who protested against the Catholic Church is known by this name.

What is the Protestant Reformation?


This method, developed during the Scientific Revolution, involves observation, forming a hypothesis, and experimentation.

What is the scientific method?


This movement, also known as the Age of Reason, focused on the use of reason to solve social and political problems.

What is the Enlightenment?


He painted the Mona Lisa and was known as a “Renaissance man” for his skills in many fields, including science and engineering.

Who is Leonardo da Vinci?


He nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to a church door in Wittenberg, sparking the Protestant Reformation.

Who is Martin Luther?


He proposed the heliocentric theory, stating that the Earth and other planets revolve around the sun.

Who is Nicolaus Copernicus?


This British philosopher’s book, The Wealth of Nations, laid the foundation for modern economics.

Who is Adam Smith?


This philosophy (ideology) focused on human potential and achievements and was a key idea during the Renaissance.

What is humanism?


This term refers to pardons sold by the Catholic Church to reduce punishment for sins, which Martin Luther criticized.

What are indulgences?


This Italian scientist improved the telescope and supported the heliocentric theory, leading to conflict with the Catholic Church.

Who is Galileo Galilei?


This French philosopher wrote The Spirit of the Laws, advocating for the separation of powers in government.

Who is Montesquieu?


This artist painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, which is considered one of his greatest masterpieces.

Who is Michelangelo?


This religious leader from Geneva believed in predestination and founded Calvinism.

Who is John Calvin?


This scientist formulated the laws of gravity and motion, publishing them in his book Principia.

Who is Isaac Newton?


This Enlightenment thinker wrote about natural rights and believed people had the right to overthrow a government that did not protect those rights.

Who is John Locke?


This Italian city-state, home to the Medici family, was a major center of Renaissance art and culture.

What is Florence?


This English king formed the Church of England after the pope refused to annul his marriage.

Who is King Henry VIII?


This English philosopher and scientist emphasized the importance of experimentation and is considered one of the fathers of the scientific method.

Who is Francis Bacon?


This Enlightenment thinker wrote Leviathan, arguing that people were naturally selfish and needed a strong government to maintain order.

Who is Thomas Hobbes?