
A correlation of 0.56 exists here, but non-cognitive factors like motivation and anxiety limit its individual predictive power.

What is academic performance?


Intelligence correlates with this at 0.2-0.5, but context-specific factors reduce its predictive accuracy.

What is job performance?


Intelligence is linked to romantic stability through reduced divorce rates and better conflict resolution, but it lacks predictive power in this critical aspect of relationships.

What is partner selection?


Despite intelligence correlating with better health outcomes, researchers believe these specific benefits arise from the role of fluid intelligence in managing complex decisions. Name two examples of these decisions. 

What are healthcare navigation and chronic condition management?


While intelligence correlates strongly with academic performance and socio-economic outcomes; its predictive power is moderated by non-cognitive factors like his personality trait, which involves diligence, goal-setting, and persistence, often cited as equally critical to success.

What is conscientiousness?