1) See that building there? I _____ (go) to school there, but now it's a factory.
2) I am so frustrated. My friends left for the trip without me. They shouldn't ______
used to go
shouldn't have left without me
Complete the phrases:
bright and ____
sick and ____ of
again and ____
1) Life is full of opportunities/possibilities if you're willing to work hard and take risks
2) There’s an opportunity/possibility we might travel abroad next summer if we save enough money.
Maria hopes (play) tennis tomorrow
Would you mind (bring) me that book?
to play
Очищати -
Нерозчинний -
What does the word in bold mean? - After filtration, the precipitate was dried at 90°C.
1) European drivers find it difficult to _____ (drive) on the left when they visit Britain.
2) I regret not going to bed earlier yesterday. I shouldn't ......
3) If you can't see properly, you must _______ (your eyes / test).
get used to driving
I shouldn't have gone to bed so late
have your eyes tested
very hungry -
very clean -
a book___ (someone who likes reading)
someone who likes different types of food (gourmet) -
відновлювальна енергія -
a bookworm
renewable energy
Tom refused (make) a cake for his sister.
I don't know how (deal) with such a difficult customer like John.
It's not easy (stick) to the rules when they don't make any sense
to make
to deal
to stick
result -
be responsible for -
give services -
I'm waiting for you to come -
be in charge of
provide services
I'm looking forward to seeing you
Сік -
Сироп -
Якість цукру залежить від правильних умов і вимог зберігання, таких як зберігання в прохолодному, сухому місці, захищеному від вологи та шкідників.
Thin juice
Thick juice
The quality of sugar depends on proper storage conditions and requirements, such as keeping it in a cool, dry place away from moisture and pests.
Have something done:
1) We usually ______ (the bedrooms / redecorate) every two years.
2) Your hair is too long. You need to ____ (it / cut).
3) He regrets not helping his friend when he needed it so much
4) Working till 9 pm isn't a problem. I _____ (work) late. I did it in my last job too.
We usually have the bedrooms redecorated
You need to have it cut
He should have helped his friend ....
I am used to working late ...
Phrasal verbs. Provide the synonyms:
cancel -
postpone -
tolerate -
produce ideas -
make the sound lower -
call off
put off
put up with
come up with
turn down
(Swim) is a great sport.
The International Student Office suggests (take) this class.
Cristian apologised to us for (not arrive) on time
not arriving
втримувати клієнтів
постійні клієнти
залучати нових клієнтів
retain customers
repeat customers
attract customers
Цукор низької якості очищують і покращують, щоб він став придатним для використання -
Форсуночна мийка -
Резервуар для зберігання -
Low-grade sugar is cleaned and improved to make it better for use
Spray washing
Storage tank
Correct the mistakes:
1) I am getting used to driving as I have had my driving license almost a year now.
2) Although the bad weather, I will go for a walk anyway
3) Despite I don't have a lot of money, I'll still go on vacation this year
I am used to driving
1) Він вирішив покинути (відмовитись від) проект, коли зрозумів, що він не буде успішним
2) Життя складається зі злетів і падінь
3) Перехідний момент/етап -
4) Despite their different opinions, they finally managed to see _____ on the project."
He decided to abandon the project after realizing it was no longer doable
Life consists of ups and downs
Transitional moment
see eye to eye
Pablo, you can't afford ____ (stay) up too late before the final exam tomorrow.
We spend a lot of time _____ (study) for an exam.
My friend is giving up _____ (smoke) at last.
He made his kids _____ (wash) their hands before dinner.
to stay
Due ____ unforeseen _______, we regret to inform you that there will be a slight delay in our project timeline. We _____ your understanding and patience during this time. Should you have any questions or require _____ information, please feel _____ to contact me directly. I look _____ to continuing our collaboration and ensuring a successful outcome.
Best _____,
to, circumstances, appreciate, further, free, forward, regards
Заводи намагаються зберігати енергію та воду під час виробництва.
Жом -
Вапно -
Лужність -
Plants try to conserve energy and water while making sugar.
1) We use Second conditional to speak about imaginary situations in the past. True or false?
2) If Ethan doesn't like wouldn't like didn't like aubergines, he wouldn't eat them!
3) If we ……….. (stop) at the filling station two hours ago, we ……….. (not run out) of petrol.
didn't like
hadn't stopped / wouldn't have run out
1) After their argument, they sat down to ____ the air and sort out their differences.
2) He feels like he’s under the _____ of his boss, who controls every aspect of his work.
3) It took her a while to ____ in with her new coworkers, but now she feels like part of the team.
4) I love to ____ out with my friends at the coffee shop on weekends.
5) With rising prices, it’s getting harder for some families to make ___ meet."
The actor imagined _______ (get) an Oscar for the best supporting role.
It's sometimes so difficult _____ (talk) to him.
He didn't even let me _____ (finish) the sentence.
The teacher insisted on _____ (speak) to my parents.
to talk
Provide the right phrases:
a) To give specific tasks or responsibilities to others to complete -
b) To distribute or assign resources (like money, time, or equipment) to different tasks or people -
c) To complete a task or project before the expected time -
d) To return to the correct or planned schedule after a problem or delay -
delegate tasks
allocate resources
finish ahead of schedule
be back on track
Висока каламутність соку показує, що є частинки, які потрібно видалити-
Домішки у цукрі можуть зіпсувати його вигляд або смак -
Для забезпечення високоякісного цукру важливо вимірювати кислотність соку та аналізувати його складові -
High turbidity in the juice shows there are particles that need to be removed.
Impurities in sugar can make it look or taste bad.
To ensure high-quality sugar, it is important to measure the acidity of the juice and analyze its constituents.