This group is native to northern Canada.
A shelter made from snow, ice, and animal skin.
What are the 3 Gs of Exploration?
Gold, Glory, God
Why did the Fur Trade start?
Name three new items that First Nations peoples received from Europeans.
Medicines, tools, guns, chickens, cows, pigs, horses, metal objects, etc.
This group has ancestors from both Indigenous and European descent.
A triangle-shaped shelter made from animal hides and wooden poles.
Who were the first Europeans in Canada?
What was New France?
The land claimed by the French in Canada.
Explain how disease was a consequence of early contact.
Europeans brought new diseases that Indigenous groups had bever been exposed to, which killed thousands of Indigenous peoples.
This group lives in Eastern Canada.
A large wood-frame building covered in elm bark.
What is the definition of a colony?
A land that is under the control of another country.
What did the city of Quebec City start as and what was its purpose?
It started as a fort and its purpose was to trade beaver fur and protect against enemies.
Name three new skills that Europeans learned from First Nations peoples.
Hunting techniques, transportation, medicines, foods, and geography.
This is one of the biggest First Nations groups.
A dome-shaped house built from birch, animal skins, leaves, and wood.
Give an example of a colony.
Name the three provinces that formed New France.
Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.
Explain the negative consequence that early contact had on the environment.
Overhunting led to the almost extinction of the beaver population, which impacted other wildlife that depended on beavers.
This group includes the nations of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.
This skilled way of farming involved growing three crops together: corn, beans, and squash.
The Three Sisters
Define Doctrine of Discovery.
A legal framework that gave Europeans the right to land that was lived on by Indigenous peoples.
Explain why the fur trade is important to the start of Canada as a country.
The fur trade is one of the main reasons why so many Europeans came to Canada. Trading posts formed to trade pelts, and soon settlements, forts, and towns formed as well.
Explain either the consequence of early contact as it applies to (a.) conflict or (b.) cultural changes.
Conflict: Some Indigenous peoples were mistreated by the Europeans and guns made conflict between groups more deadly.
Cultural changes: Indigenous peoples lost a lot of their traditional culture and beliefs, as well as their land.