States of Matter
States of Matter II
Physical Properties of Matter
Interactions of Matter
Interactions of Matter II
Particles in this type of matter are packed very closely. The matter is _________. This type of matter has _____ energy and moves ______.
What is a solid. Low energy Moves slowly
In order to turn a liquid into a gas we must _______ energy, which increases the ___________.
add, increases
The boiling point of water is ________ degrees C or _______ degrees F. The freezing point of water is _______ degrees C or _______ degrees F.
Boiling - 100 C or 212 F Freezing - 0 C or 32 F
It is 30 degrees F outside. Describe how the particles in the air are moving.
The particles in the air are moving very slowly. This is why it feels cold to us. If the particles were moving faster the temperature would be higher and warmer.
Particles in the liquid have more _________ and move a greater ________ than particles in a solid.
energy speed
What is the definition of matter?
Anything that has mass and takes up space.
This type of matter move loosely around each other.
What is a liquid.
What are two physical properties of liquids?
Surface tension and viscosity
____________ is the amount of times the particles of a gas hit the inside of their container.
When do humans do to cool ourselves off?
sweat. The sweat then evaporates off of our skin.
Atoms are made of ___________ and ________ which are found in the center and __________, which are found on the outside. ___________ are negative, _________ are positive and ___________ are neutral.
protons and neutrons electrons electrons, protons, neutrons
Why does liquid water form on a cold can once it's placed out in room temperature?
The gas (water vapor) in the air is cooled by the cold can and it turns back into liquid water.
Molasses is a thick liquid. It is ________. The particles in molasses are spaced _________ together.
viscous close
Wendy had a puddle in front of her house. After a few days without rain she saw that the puddle was no longer there. This is an example of ______________.
Condensation and boiling happen at the same temperature: _________ degrees C or _______ degrees F.
100 C or 212 F
To make a solid, like ice, into a liquid we must _________ energy. This will allow the particles to move _________.
add faster
What can I do to turn a gas back into a liquid?
cool down the gas.
The melting point of ice is ________ degrees C. The freezing point of water is ________ degrees C. When ice melts it is _________ energy. When water freezes it is _________ energy.
0 0 gaining losing
When a beaker with water is placed on a burner the water will start _____________ at the surface. Once enough __________ has been added and the temperature reaches 100 degrees C the water will start __________. This happens _______________ the water and not just at the _________.
evaporating energy boiling throughout surface.
Why did the bubble appear once the water bottle was placed into the hot water?
The hot water increased the energy of the gas particles in the water causes them to expand and form a bubble.
_____________ are atoms without electrons.
What is an ion.
Plasma is made of _________ and _________. Give three examples of plasmas.
ions and electrons lightning, neon lights, stars
Anne went camping last week. She decided to make herself some tea with honey. When she attempted to pour the honey into her cup nothing was coming out. Explain why the honey was not coming out. What can Anne do to make the honey come out of its jar?
The honey was not coming out because the cold temperatures outside. The cold was causing the particles in the honey to slow, making it more viscous. Anne could safely hold the jar of honey above a flame. This would add energy to the honey making it less viscous.
Billy had basketball practice after school. He went to grab his basketball out of his father's car and ran back into school. When Billy bounced the basketball it sadly rose only two inches off the ground and fell flat to the floor. What happened to Billy's ball?
The cold temperatures outside caused the particles in the basketball to contract which made the pressure in the basketball decrease. Billy would need to add more air into his basketball to restore the pressure.
Why didn't the food coloring spread out as fast in the cold water than the hot water?
The particles in the cold water weren't moving very fast so the food coloring didn't spread out as fast as in the hot water.