11 levels of writing
Shared Writing
Interactive Writing
Interactive writing activities
Ways to support writing in the classroom

Child draws or scribbles - unable to tell if it matches the topic. What level is this? 

Level 1 - Text not readable yet


What is shared writing? 

What is  Shared writing is when the teacher uses the pen. The children share the ideas and the teacher writes to model correctly. 


What is Interactive Writing? 

Interactive writing is when the teacher “shares the pen” with the children


Does Interactive writing always have to be done in a journal? 

No but for our collection purposes an example would need to be collected for their journal. 


Which activity uses light to support drawing/writing development? 


Give an example of a shared writing activity. 


What is another name for interactive writing? 

Scaffolded writing


How can stickers be used to get children to participate in IDW? 

Give them a couple of stickers and ask them to draw around the stickers and then tell/write a story about their sticker picture. 


How can Wiki sticks be used to support writing development? 


This child "writes" a story and tells you all about it. Which writing level would she fall under? 

Level 3 - Imitative Writing, not readable yet


What is the purpose of Shared Writing? 

It is a way for the teacher to model writing skills. 


You are turning your dramatic play area into a pet shop. Name 2 ways you could incorporate IDW.

Make a pet shop sign together.

Make pet name tags together

Make Price tags together

Make name tags for the workers together



Which large group/transition activity can and should be done daily to help support letter recognition and/or letter sounds? 

Word Wall


Which level would this child be placed and why?

Level 6 


What is the Purpose of Interactive Writing? 

This is a chance for the child to actively participate in writing. It is also a chance for teachers to "scaffold" the Childs writing abilities. 


Which activity uses texture to help support writing development? 


A child goes up to the word wall and removes a word/picture. She draws the picture, copies the word, and has several other letter and letter strings around her paper. What level of writing would she fall under? 

Level 4 - The word "love" with random letters


Once writing has taken place how can you "put it all together"?

Have then point and read what they wrote


How can you incorporate magnetic letters into IDW?