Language and Misunderstandings.
Pragmatic language suit
Effective vs. Polite.
Relations and Communication.
Have an open mind.
How does Karen Lund think we should try to avoid misunderstandings?
The person you interact with to be considered when "wearing" the pragmatic language suit.
Who is the receiver?
She was too polite when negotiating her wages with her European boss.
Who was the Vietnamese employee?
It is both a means of establishing social relations and communication.
What is Language?
It is what the guy at the Turkish train station did to indicate the train was long gone.
What is whistling and gesturing.
It is what you are to each other and that is the second thing that should be considered when "wearing" the pragmatic language suit.
What is your relation to the receiver?
He was too polite and the interviewer might have mistook his politeness.
Why couldn't the Pakistani man get the job at the museum?
It can make all the difference when speaking Danish - Like saying the word "Please" in English.
What are "Godt" and "Gerne"?
No matter how well a second language learner knows this there can be misunderstandings.
What is L2?
It is the balance that determines how to interact and speak with the receiver while "wearing" the pragmatic language suit.
What kind of power balance exists between you and the receiver?
When the native female employee was negotiating her wages it seemed almost like this type of fighting.
What is boxing.
The third thing we do when using language, besides using it to convey information or establish relations...
What is negotiating the power balance?
A key factor in successful intercultural communication.
What is pragmatic competence?
When you consider whether your message is to complain or maybe to confess your utter devotion to the receiver.
What is your aim or purpose?
The European boss did this and was misunderstood by the Asian applicants, who thought they could negotiate the rejection.
What is a smile?
Within this there will be varying degrees of information and relation-building.
What is all communication?
It is the hardest ares to navigate though in intercultural communication.
What is the cross section between language and sociocultural factors?
It is not just about learning new pragmatic rules but learning too...
What is conveying and decoding relations pragmatically?
Being considerate, generous, positive, modest, agreeing
What are the principles of politeness?
A cartoon with an Indian, a man with flags, and a slightly miffed woman illustrated this...
What are complex communication techniques?