Ratio Language
Unit Rate/Unit Price
Equivalent Ratios
Miscellaneous Column

What is a ratio?

A ratio is a relationship between 2 or more quantities. 


What is a unit rate?

Unit rate is a ratio with a quantity of 1. 


What is an equivalent ratio?

An equivalent ratio is two or more ratios that share the same value. 


What is a percentage?

A rate, number, or amount in each hundred. 


How many millimeters are there in 23 meters?

23,000 millimeters. 


Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7, 8, 9! 


There are 24 adults and 30 children at a science museum. What is the ratio of children to total people at the science museum?

The ratio of children to total people at the science museum is 30:54.


3 ice cream cones cost $8.25. At this rate, how much do 2 ice cream cones cost?

Two ice cream cones would cost $5.50.


A mixture of purple paint contains 6 teaspoons of red paint and 15 teaspoons of blue paint. To make the same shade of purple paint using 35 teaspoons of blue paint, how much red paint would you need?

You would need 14 teaspoons of red paint. 


Joshua has a batting average of 0.250. What percentage of his times at bat does he get a hit?



15 m = _____ cm

1,500 cm 


Why did the two 4s skip lunch?

Because they already 8!


What is the ratio of smiley faces to squares to triangles?

The ratio of smiley faces to squares to triangles is 6:4:2.


Amanda bought 360 rolls of toilet paper for the whole year. How many rolls of toilet paper per month is that?

She bought 30 rolls per month.


Alan is making banana bread. The ratio of cups of mashed bananas to cups of flour for his recipe is 6:3. Alan uses 3 cups of mashed bananas to make 1 loaf. How many cups of flour will he use?

3 : 1.5


15% of the student body of Towson Middle School is in the band. If the student population of Towson Middle School is 680, how many students are in the band?

102 students are in the band. 


There are 5,280 feet in 1 mile.

There are 12 inches in 1 foot.

How many inches are in 2 miles?

126,720 inches are in 2 miles.


Why is it a shame that parallel lines have so much in common?

Because they'll never meet! 


There are 3 cats at the shelter to every 7 dogs. Write a ratio to describe the amount of cats to dogs.

The ratio of cats to dogs is 3:7.


A store has two different sizes of ice cream. The smaller container costs $3.87 for 48 ounces. The larger container costs $6.42 for 128 ounces. Which ice cream costs less per ounce?

The larger container cost less per ounce. 


It takes Mildred about 3 minutes to walk 2 blocks. A point has been plotted in the coordinate plane to represent this situation. Which point represents an equivalent ratio?

(6, 4)

What is 50% of 24?



20 miles


What geometric shape removes spells and curses?

A hexagon.


A study showed that the ratio of the number of people who get their news from social media to the number of people who get their news from other sources is 3:7. Based on the ratio, how many people in a town of 900 people get their news from social media?

270 people in the town get their news from social media.


Jenna’s family is going on a trip to visit relatives. • After driving 72 miles, they used 3.2 gallons of gas. • Her family has 850 miles remaining on their road trip. • The gas tank in their car can hold 15 gallons. They filled the gas tank at the start of the road trip. They plan to only stop to fill up when their gas tank nears empty. There are plenty of gas stations along their route. How many additional stops for gas will Jenna’s family need to make to get to their destination?

2 stops


Which of the following tables of equivalent ratios are completed correctly? Select ALL that apply.

A and B


Mr. Kelo purchased a new book for $25, he has a 25% off coupon. How much did Mr. Kelo save on her new book?

Mr. Kelo saved $6.25 on her new book. 


Collin, Franklin, and Luis answered incorrectly. To find the number of feet in a given number of inches, divide by 12. Collin subtracted 12, Franklin multiplied by 12, and, even though Luis divided by 12, he calculated the answer incorrectly.


How do you make seven even?

Subtract the S!