What is Point of View?
What a character thinks or feels.
Which of these is the plural form of the word man?
Should you use your scrap/smart paper?
Can you do hard things?
What is central message?
A lesson or moral. What the author wants you to learn/take away from the story.
What is the plural form of the word child?
How can you use your scrap/smart paper?
You can make a graphic organizer, write down key details and key words, or take notes from the passage.
When something is hard, what should you say to yourself?
I can do this!
I will try my best!
similes, metaphors, idioms
- types of language that don't mean their literal/dictionary meanings
The ea in team is pronounced the same as the ea in . . . (MULTIPLE CHOICE)
a.) leap
b.) create
c.) idea
If you don't understand what a question is asking, what should you do?
Reread it and try to find words you know.
Reread your notes or parts of your paragraph.
Try to eliminate answers you know are incorrect.
Is it okay to make mistakes?
Of course! That is how we learn.
Which of these is an example of non-literal language? (MULTIPLE CHOICE)
a.) Third grade is great.
b.) Third grade is like a shining star.
The ar in shark is pronounced the same as the ar in . . . (MULTIPLE CHOICE)
a.) share
b.) bear
c.) dark
Is it more important to take your time on a test or to finish quickly?
Take your time!
Should you believe in yourself?