Landscape, Natural Resources, Climate
First Nations and Metis
North West Mounted Police
Canadian Pacific Railway
A large section of land in a country with many cities, divided by physical features, natural resources, and climate.
What is a region?
People who had one parent that was First Nations, and one parent who was French.
Who are the Metis?
These people were some of the first to move to the Interior Plains to work on the fur trade.
Who are the Francophones?
These people came to the Interior Plains to be peace-keepers.
Who are the North West Mounted Police?
This was built to connect the west coast of Canada to the east coast of Canada.
What is the Canadian Pacific Railway?
Things people use to survive that come from the natural environment.
What are natural resources?
This was made by the Metis women to sell to the fur trade workers.
What is pemmican?
These people came to the Interior Plains looking for freedom and a new life. They left the comfort of home to start over. They are the 9th largest ethnic group in Canada.
Who are the Ukrainians?
The North West Mounted Police are now known as...
Who are the Royal Canadian Mounted Police? (RCMP)
Many of these people were hired to work on the Canadian Pacific Railway for cheap wages.
Who are the Chinese?
The weather in an area.
What is climate?
This was a main food source for the First Nations and Metis. (hint: an animal)
What are the buffalo?
In Alberta we have a place called Amber Valley. This famous historical site was a important part of our history. (hint: involved bringing black slaves to Canada to find freedom)
What is the Underground Railway?
The rumours that forced the British government to send law enforcement to the Interior Plains.
Who are the Americans looking north for more land and resources?
Many of these animals were killed, almost to extinction, by people to keep them off of the railway.
What are the buffalo?
The different shapes of the land: hills, mountains, valleys, rivers.
What are landforms or physical features?
Alberta is the only province to still have these. (hint: people)
What are Metis settlements?
These people came to Canada looking for gold.
Who are the Chinese?
The law makers in the Interior Plains before the North West Mounted Police.
Who are the fur traders?
These people were forced to leave their homes and sign treaties to only live on government granted land.
Who are the First Nations and Metis?
A major natural resource in the Interior Plains.
What is oil and natural gas. (agriculture is acceptable here as well)
Aboriginal stories are centered around these.
What are animal spirits? (the land is another acceptable answer)
After the railway was completed, Canadians wanted the Chinese people to leave. They were shunned to work in these very poor, segregated areas.
What are Chinatown's
A number of men were sent from Quebec and Ontario to police the Interior Plains. This number is...
An initial force of 150 men, and 150 men the following spring.
The Canadian Pacific Railway was important in the ___________ of the Interior Plains.
What is the settlement?